Main » 2015 » May » 10 » Italy : 2 Postdoctoral and 2 PhD Fellowships in Information Security at the University of Trento

Italy : 2 Postdoctoral and 2 PhD Fellowships in Information Security at the University of Trento

As part of the activity of joint Industry-Academia laboratory, the University of Trento is looking to recruit outstanding candidates for two post doctoral researcher positions and two PhD students in a number of areas in security, privacy and forensics.

Successful candidates will also form part of an international research group, including prof. Fabio Massacci and prof. Bruno Crispo. The positions will be based in Trento, with strategic collaboration with industrial partner Poste Italiane, the chair of the European Electronic-Crime Task Force, in Rome, Italy. Their positions are broadly in the following areas:

Cyber-security Risk Assessment
Malware Analysis and Forensics
Empirical and Economics methods for Security
Mobile Security

Terms and Conditions

PhD candidates will be expected to have an outstanding educational profile in CS, EE, IS, or related discipline, with evidence of interest and an ability to undertake doctoral research in the above mentioned fields. Successful candidates for the post doctoral positions will be expected to have a strong publication record and an ability to work both independently and collaboratively.

The PhD positions which are funded by 3-4 years scholarship grants of €17.5K+ per annum (€15.450 stipend, fees €600, travel budget of €1.400 and a 50% stipend increase for research internships at partner institutions lasting more than 3 months) . Post-doctoral positions in the past have ranged between €25K-€55K p.a. depending on age and experience. Post-holders who have been outside Italy may benefit of a special tax waiver, if they take residence in Italy.

Application Deadline

PhD candidates must apply for admission at the ICT Doctoral School in Trento (Selecting the track(s) including Security among their topics). The official call is scheduled to open by April 20 and the expected deadline for PhD application is May 20.

Potential candidates for PhD positions are encouraged to contact Professor Fabio Massacci informally at well before the application deadline, including a CV and a research statement.

The postdoctoral positions are open and will be filled as soon as interesting candidates are found (but tentatively should close by the same deadline). Interested candidates should send to Fabio Massacci at the email above, a CV, a list of publications and a research statement highlighting past experience and skills.

For further information

Security Team in Trento
ICT Doctoral School In Trento
European Electronic Crime Task Force
Further Information

Application Deadline : 20 May 2015
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 471 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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