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Child Health Foundation: Innovative Small Grants Program 2015

Deadline: 30 April 2015 The Child Health Foundation is currently accepting letters of intent from interested health workers, investigators, or community organizations for innovative research or innovative service projects directed at improving the health of infants, children, and pregnant women. Selected individuals or groups will be notified to further send a full proposal. The Foundation has been supporting innovative approaches to adapting ORT to the health care and social situations around globe. Small innovative projects can make a major impact on child health in diverse settings, and find out the answers to some persistent health problems. The number of projects approved depends on the amount of funding available. The 2014 Innovative Small Grants have been awarded for the health and well-being of children to organizations in Tanzania, India, Kenya, Colombia, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Focus Countries Bangladesh, India – North, Nicaragua, Uganda, China, India – South, Nigeria, US – CA, Colombia, Indonesia, Pakistan, US – MN, Congo, Kenya, Palestine, US – RI, Dominican Rep., Madagascar, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Mexico, South Africa, Guatemala, Nepal, Tanzania. 2015 Areas of priority Development of sustainable biomedical and social technologies Adaptation and implementation of technologies in local situations Projects on malnutrition, enteric diseases (water and sanitation), and respiratory diseases. Scheduled disbursement of funds US$4,000 at start of project US$1,000 upon receipt of interim report which includes itemized spent funds. Past Grantees Social Activities for Voluntary Efforts (SAVE), Bangladesh, for implementing 15 villages activities to reduce child and mothers’ mortality rates to save the lives of poor newborns and pregnant mothers through developing trained midwives. Under-Privileged People’s Development Organization (UPPO), Bangladesh, received at 2013 grant and this is a continuation of that project in which they installed 66 removable double-ring-slab latrines for 66 families. They will reach more families. Kossoye Development Program, Ethiopia, for curriculum development, equipment purchases, and workshops for elementary school teachers and children on the subjects of gardening, nutrition, and personal height and weight measurement. Operation ASHA, Cambodia, seeks to screen children and their families, affected by tuberculosis, in one operational district, going door-to-door, using “Contact Tracing App,” which they have developed. They will then provide treatment and counseling. Pamoja, Tanzania, will install a roof catchment and storage tank for clean water in 3 preschools to prevent enteric diseases. Then they will teach the importance of hand-washing using a jelly made from lemon and garlic. Eligibility Criteria Applicants can be health workers, investigators, or community organizations for innovative research or innovative service projects directed at improving the health of infants, children, and pregnant women from any country mentioned above. Applicants can apply either individually or in groups. Projects that involve only general medical care of children but without innovative aspects will not be considered. The projects should be done within one year and should be able to document measurable results. Project must be based on foundation’s 2015 priority areas specified above with budgets not exceeding US$5,000. How to apply? Before considering for a grant proposal for funding, applicants need to send a one-page “letter of intent” which describes the project that you will be proposing indicating the “innovative” nature of your work. Letters of intent must be sent by email or regular mail. After reviewing, the foundation will notify successful applicants to send a full proposal. For more information about this grants, please visit Innovative Small Grant program.
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