Main » 2015 » February » 27 » 1st HCCG Conference on Corporate Governance and Corruption 11th to 12th June 2015 Helsinki, Finland

1st HCCG Conference on Corporate Governance and Corruption 11th to 12th June 2015 Helsinki, Finland

The Centre for Corporate Governance at Hanken School of Economics (HCCG) is pleased to announce the 1st HCCG Conference on Corporate Governance and Corruption to be held on the 11th and 12th of June 2015 in Helsinki, Finland. Theoretical and empirical papers concerning issues relevant to either corporate governance or corruption are welcome, with papers relevant to both being of particular interest. The keynote speakers will be Professor Joseph Fan (Chinese University, Hong Kong) and Professor Johann Graf Lambsdorff (University of Passau). Researchers wishing to submit their work for consideration should send their papers to by March 2nd, 2015. We will make our decision known by March 28th, 2015. There is no conference fee and participants are expected to finance their own travel, accommodation and sundry expenses. Organising Committee: Prof. Tom Berglund (Hanken School of Economics, Finland), Dr. Amadou Boly (World Institute for Development Economics Research, Finland), Dr. Zuzana Fungá?ová (Bank of Finland), Dr. Robert Gillanders (Hanken School of Economics, Finland), Dr. Praveen Malla (Hanken School of Economics, Finland), Ms. Kateryna Kondrunina (Sumy State University, Ukraine), Ms. Olga Neselevska (Hanken School of Economics, Finland). Check for details
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