Main » 2015 » March » 3 » Invitation- Maharashtra Training for Human Rights Defenders

Invitation- Maharashtra Training for Human Rights Defenders

Maharashtra Chapter of Human Rights Defenders - India invites you to two day training for Maharashtra Human Right Defenders (HRD’s) at J P Naik Centre, Pune on March 28th 29th, 2015. The objectives of the training are: · To provide training and capacity building opportunities to the HRDs for constructive engagement with the UN Human Rights Mechanism and to equip them to prepare Urgent Appeals, HRD Alerts to scale up the violations to the national and international mechanisms- NHRIs, formal court of law, UN HRC SRs and Treaty Bodies; · To enable HRDs to engage in monitoring of status of human rights, process document the violations in the form of case stories through various means such as fact finding, micro action research and documentation of particular thematic or sector or geo-political arenas; · To receive grassroots information, complexities, grass roots realities and examine the critical human rights issues that HRDs face in India and disseminate those processed information at a wider level to sensitize the various stakeholders · To promote and contribute to evolve a forum for HRDs to protect and promote the rights of Human Rights Defenders This call is for applications from middle and senior human rights defenders of human rights organisations who have diverse experience of working with human rights issues – in any thematic area – women’s rights, dalit rights, child rights, rights of minorities, land rights , health rights , rights of persons with disabilities, the homeless, right to information, displacement, sexual minorities, custodial violence, torture, disappearances, etc, This training would be conducted in English, Hindi and Marathi . This training is intended to facilitate critical learning as well as impart required knowledge, skills and a rights perspective to the human right defenders on the subject matter of how to combat the challenges and use different mechanisms while working as HRD. The purpose of this training programme is to come with a pool HRDs with competence in hindi and marathi who then be able to form a network and work in solidarity to support the work of HRDs from the State The training shall be collectively facilitated by a team of experts from HRDA trainers and the participants will be provided with good resource materials. It would be appreciated that the applicants to the program are experienced HRDs from your organization with an experience of handling human right violation at the grassroot level and hence are aware of the challenges in the field. There is a selection process which will involve telephonic discussion with the shortlisted participants. It will be an added advantage if the participants are well versed in using computers. So carry your laptops for the training. Selected Candidates will be given Travel to attend the training Please send us the fully completed Application Form ATTACHED latest by 15 March 2015 to and Contact - 9820749204 /9822532137 -- Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal +919820749204 skype-lawyercumactivist Hey folks, coined this term ” Kracktivism “, check out my blog Blog for girl child- Blog for Kashmir - Blog for KKM defence Committee-!/Kracktivist *I carry a torch in one hand And a bucket of water in the other: With these things I am going to set fire to Heaven And put out the flames of Hell So that voyagers to God can rip the veils And see the real goal....... Rabia (Rabi'a Al-'Adawiyya)
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