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Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (JIMS), VOl. 9(1), Spring/summer 2015

JOURNAL OF IDENTITY AND MIGRATION STUDIES (JIMS) Call for Papers Volume 9, issue 1 (Spring/Summer 2015) Deadline: 15 April 2015 JIMS accepts now submissions of research articles, essays, book-reviews and recent conference reports for publication in the Spring/Summer 2015 edition. JIMS promotes high-quality academic work in the field of migration and identity, as well as in other related fields in the social sciences. Our goal is to explore new directions and perspectives in understanding the complex phenomena of migration and its challenge in redefining identity. Authors should send their articles for the Spring/Summer 2014 edition by 15 April 2014. Please send submissions to: (and a copy to For more details, please visit the Guidelines for Authors page on the website of JIMS at: The Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (JIMS) is an online review published twice a year under the auspices of the Research Center on Identity and Migration Issues – RCIMI, from the Department of Political Science and Communication Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania. Further inquiries should be sent to the Editorial board at: . The Editorial Board -- JIMS - Journal of Identity and Migration Studies Research Center on Identity and Migration Issues - RCIMI University of Oradea Deparment of Political Science and Communication Science Address: Str. Traian Blajovici nr. 2 Oradea, 410238 Romania Tel./Fax: +40 259 455 525 E-mail:; Web: Journal of Identity and Migration Studies - JIMS
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 556 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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