Main » 2015 » March » 10 » Networking Europe: Art and Cultural History in the Hanseatic Regions Study Programme at the Warburg-Haus, Hamburg (19-24 Sept. 2015)

Networking Europe: Art and Cultural History in the Hanseatic Regions Study Programme at the Warburg-Haus, Hamburg (19-24 Sept. 2015)

The Hanseatic League or the Hansa as a European economic and communication network has increasingly come under scrutiny in recent years: not only from a historical perspective but also as a mode of organization we find mirrored in today’s networks, and not least in the current confederation of cities known as “the Hansa”. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, too, the Hansa is an important point of reference in think tanks and contributions. The Hansa is likewise allocated a prominent place in the Council of Europe’s “Cultural Routes” programme; it is acknowledged as one of Europe’s spaces of remembrance. Appropriation for national or nationalistic objectives shaped the study of the Hansa for a long time – especially in German research. After the Second World War and the ensuing division of Europe, study of the Hanseatic League became fragmented. Research is again gradually shifting its focus to the general relevance of the possibly most important network of communications and goods traffic in northern Europe. We will not only be facing the special challenge of establishing new research networks that highly concretely reflect the diversity of the different places of the Hanseatic League. We also want to overcome the history-of-science borders of national cultural historiography as well as develop new narratives. Funded by the Warburg Foundation, this year’s study programme seeks to provide a forum for young researchers and establish a network of new-generation researchers of the Hanseatic League. We are looking for advanced students and those currently working toward their master’s degrees and doctorates who have concentrated on the study of Hanseatic art or cultural history and have a record of accomplishments in this field. The study programme will commence in Lübeck, where participants will be visiting the opening of the exhibition Lübeck 1500. Kunstmetropole im Ostseeraum (Lübeck 1500: Art Capitals in the Baltic Sea Region, 19/9/15–10/1/16). The plan for day two will be impromptu presentations and determining the questions and problems relevant to the subject. The remaining three days will be spent at Warburg-Haus, where the current research of the participants is to be discussed intensively with the opportunity for concrete exchange with (other) acknowledged experts in Hanseatic studies. The five-day event is conceived as a platform for developing and cultivating forward-looking research and a researchers’ network for interdisciplinary Hanseatic studies with a special focus on art history. Hotel accommodation and travel expenses will be covered. Please submit your application (cv, research project) by 19 April 2015 to Prof. Dr. Barbara Welzel Seminar für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft Technische Universität Dortmund 44221 Dortmund E-mail: Prof. Dr. Iris Wenderholm Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar der Universität Hamburg Edmund Siemers Allee 1 20146 Hamburg E-mail:
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