Main » 2015 » March » 10 » Graduate course, Economics of Risky Behavior, Univ. of Southern Denmark

Graduate course, Economics of Risky Behavior, Univ. of Southern Denmark

Dates: August 25th -27th 2015 Registration: Deadline: August 1th 2015 Fee: Free of charge for students enrolled at Nordic universities, 250€ otherwise For registration, use the link REGISTRATION in the right menu Location: University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campus, Room 99 Changes in risky healthy behaviors such as smoking, alcohol use, and overeating can explain a great deal of the changes in life expectancy worldwide. This PhD course reviews recent research on the causes (e.g., public policies, education shocks, early life interventions, income shocks) and consequences (e.g., health, labor market) of risky health behaviors from well-designed experimental or quasi-experimental studies. It begins with a review of relevant theoretical and empirical frameworks and then reviews recent advances in our understanding of smoking, alcohol use (including alcohol-involved driving), marijuana use and obesity. Other risky behaviors such as risky sex and preventive care may also be addressed. Differences between economics and public health approaches to understanding risky behaviors would be stressed, and knowledge gaps in each research would be identified to help students develop possible research topics. __._,_.___
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 584 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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