Main » 2015 » March » 10 » Summer School on Financial Intermediation and Contracting, St. Louis, DL 10.04 Socia

Summer School on Financial Intermediation and Contracting, St. Louis, DL 10.04 Socia

Summer School on Financial Intermediation and Contracting August 12-15, 2015, St. Louis The Finance Theory Group and the Wells Fargo Advisors Center for Finance and Accounting Research at Washington University in St. Louis are pleased to announce a Summer School titled: Recent Advances in Financial Intermediation and Contracting Dates: August 12-15, 2015 Location: Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis SPEAKERS AND TOPICS: Peter M. DeMarzo (Stanford University) "Dynamic Financial Contracting" Douglas W. Diamond (University of Chicago) "Short-Term Debt, Bank Monitoring, and Liquidity Creation" Philip H. Dybvig (Washington University in St. Louis) "Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity" Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania) "Financial Stability - A Global Games Approach" Gustavo Manso (University of California, Berkeley) "Incentives for Innovation" Adriano A. Rampini (Duke University) "Dynamic Collateralized Finance" Anjan V. Thakor (Washington University in St. Louis) "Bank Capital Structure and Financial Stability" FURTHER INFORMATION: The target audience for the Summer School includes Ph.D. students and faculty members in finance, economics, and related fields, who are interested in the theory of corporate finance, financial institutions, and financial markets. We welcome both theorists and empiricists, who are interested in deepening their knowledge in these fields. The Summer School will consist of invited lectures by the above speakers as well as presentation sessions of contributed papers by participants. NOMINATION/REGISTRATION: Ph.D. students interested in attending the Summer School need to be nominated by a faculty member from their own school. Faculty members can apply to register for the Summer School directly. To nominate a student or apply for registration (and for additional information) please refer to the Summer School's website: The deadline for nomination/registration is April 10, 2015. The registration fee for the Summer School is $400 for both faculty and students, which includes meals for the duration of the Summer School. Participants will be responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses. The Summer School website provides more information. Questions regarding the Summer School can be directed to Jenn Schmich ( ABOUT THE ORGANIZERS: The Finance Theory Group ( was formed in 2009 to foster theoretical research in the areas of corporate finance, financial institutions, and financial markets. The group consists of more than 120 members and fellows from leading academic institutions, who meet twice a year to present, discuss, and promote the latest research in finance theory. The Wells Fargo Advisors Center for Finance and Accounting Research ( at the Olin Business School of Washington University in St. Louis is dedicated to the dissemination of cutting-edge research in finance and accounting by supporting research, organizing conferences, and fostering collaborations between faculty, students, and companies.
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