Main » 2015 » March » 10 » Traineeships and Short-Term Study Visits in the European Food Safety Authority

Traineeships and Short-Term Study Visits in the European Food Safety Authority

What’s in it for you? An opportunity to young university graduates to have their first professional experience related to their field of specialisation in a European organisation committed to assess food and feed safety in Europe. A trainee would have the opportunity to familiarise with EFSA’s role and work, useful for professional development. As a trainee, you’ll take on a responsible role in supporting a project, and benefit from a training adviser through a challenging experience in a scientific and active multicultural environment. What is the work like? The content of your traineeship depends on the Unit/Team you are assigned to. You may select up to two different areas of interest related to your studies in the field of Plant Health, Food Ingredients, Pesticides, GMO, Emerging Risks, Legal affairs, Communication, HR, etc.
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 588 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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