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Student mobility and grants, Nuclear Energ

The Graduate and Executive Nuclear Training and Lifelong Education (GENTLE) project is a pan-European effort in the field of education and training (E&T) on Nuclear Energy. It brings together leading European academic and research institutions with the goal to set up a life-long learning programme, strongly supported by stakeholders from industry and technical support organizations. GENTLE implements the following E&T tools: •Student research experience projects (STUDENTS MOBILITY) •Inter-semester courses in nuclear research themes for graduate and post-graduate students •Executive master course on nuclear technology and nuclear waste management for young professionals GENTLE is A EUROPEAN PROJECT fostering training, education, and student mobility across various European research institutes in nuclear field. OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENT MOBILITY -- GENTLE supports students mobility within Europe through dedicated grants. The grants are for M.Sc., B. Sc. and external stages within PhD projects in universities and research facilities other than the University at which the students are registered. The duration of the grants can be from 1 to 24 months! OPPORTUNITY to apply for open posts, but also to directly PROPOSE research projects and Internships with the various GENTLE partners! NB: Spontaneous proposals by the students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED! The minimum duration of SREs is 1 month, the maximum is 24 Months. Applicants (M.Sc, B.Sc and PhD students) must be enrolled in an EU academic or research institution during the complete duration of the SRE, but must not necessarily have a European citizenship. Agreement on local grant rules (€/month) of the hosting institution will be applied. Recommended grant is in the order of 1000 €/month. The grant cannot be used to extend PhD studies at the institution where the PhD is executed. Only one application plus one extension are allowed (with a maximum total duration of 24 months). SRE’s within the same town/region are allowed, but will not be supported financially. Contact: Dario Manara European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) Institute for Transuranium Elements Tel.: +49 (0) 7247 95129 E-mail: For more information on all tools please visit the website
Категория: Grant | Просмотров: 681 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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