

Walk the Line: The Impact of Boundary Politics on Identity and Inequality One Hundred Years after the First World War Budapest, Hungary, 19-25 July 2015 The Tom Lantos Institute (TLI) and the National University of Public Service (NUPS) in cooperation with the Middlesex University London (MU) and with the support of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade are organising their third international Summer School on Minority Rights with a special focus on the impact of boundary politics on identity and inequality. The Summer School will host 30 participants from all over the world and offers a forum to discuss relevant issues related to minorities with leading experts and practitioners in the field of international human rights law, political science, sociology, and history. Participants will study the multiple impacts of boundary changes on identity and equality in the interwar period and today. Lectures and interactive workshops will cover the following topics: a critical assessment of the geopolitical perspective on boundary changes in Europe; the impact of the peace treaties on national, ethnic, linguistic and religious identities in Europe; boundary changes and conflict resolution from a normative perspective (focus on Kurdistan and Kosovo); the successful management of border communities in Europe; current territorial debates in Europe (Scotland, Catalonia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Crimea); the problem solving capacity of autonomies in Central and Eastern Europe; the protection of minorities in the Middle East; international and transnational approaches to minority protection; the Roma in Europe; and, finally, identity politics and equality. The Summer School aims to: · Understand and critically assess the relevant international law and related practice on ethnic conflict resolution; · Present and review existing practice on the management of border communities in different regions of Europe; · Understand and discuss the effectiveness of the international minority protection regime with a particular focus on identity politics and equality. The participation fee is 150 Euros. This fee covers tuition, accommodation, meals and cultural events. Financial support is available for 15 participants. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Tuesday 31 March 2015, 23:59 CET Who should participate? · Public servants, decision-makers, teachers in higher education and journalists with an interest in diversity management, equality policies, minority rights, ethnic conflict resolution, geopolitics, and relevant international law; · MA and PhD students who wish to acquire competitive personal competence beneficial for their future careers in academia or in practice-oriented professions; · Members of civil society organisations, practitioners; · Everyone who is interested in recent developments, current theories and advanced training in the field of minority protection. Watch the videos of the 2013 and 2014 Minority Rights Summer Schools. More information on the summer school can be found here: Louise MÉTRICH Programme Manager, Roma Rights and Citizenship H-1016 Budapest, Bérc u.13-15 Mobile: +36703790869 Landline: +3612090024
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