Main » 2015 » March » 15 » "The history of Labour in Yugoslav late socialism", Conf. "Socialism

"The history of Labour in Yugoslav late socialism", Conf. "Socialism

CfP: Panel sessions

The history of Labour in Yugoslav late socialism

(for the conference Socialism: Construction and Deconstruction). Pula, 1-3 October 2015


The Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz is organising a series of panels centred on the theme of Labour and history from below in Yugoslav late socialism in the frame of the conference ‘Socialism: Construction and Deconstruction’, (the 2nd International Conference Socialism on the Bench, organised by the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism, University of Pula on 1-3 October 2015 see: ).

We are seeking contributions which explore labour from the perspectives of labour history and history form below in Yugoslav late socialism (approx. between 1965 and 1991). We also welcome comparative work (i.e. research treating other socialist societies).

The panels are supported by the project ‘Between class and nation. Working class communities in 1980s Serbia and Montenegro’(Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project number: P27008 The project explores working class communities in Serbia and Montenegro during the 1980s in an attempt to generate new insights on interactions between social class and ethno-nationalism and about the agency of working people in the conditions of late Yugoslav socialism. The project also has the expressed goal of supporting the wider research agenda of labour history and history from below in SEE during late socialism.

Limited financial support for accommodation and/or travel costs is available for participants in the panel sessions (on the condition that a paper is submitted).

To submit an application to the panel sessions please email with a short abstract and bio before 25 March 2015.

If you have already send an application to the conference ‘Socialism: Construction and Deconstruction’ please indicate so in your application. Selected papers for the ‘labour’ panel sessions are automatically accepted for the conference.
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