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Scholarships, ICPSR Summer Program

Call for applications for Janet Box-Steffensmeier Scholarship and John A.
Garcia Scholarships to attend the ICPSR Summer Program

The Society for Political Methodology and the Inter-university Consortium
for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) have worked together to establish
two scholarship awards that are intended to encourage women and
under-represented graduate students to attend the ICPSR Summer Program in
Quantitative Methods of Social Research. The awards are named in honor of
Janet Box-Steffensmeier and John A. Garcia, major figures in quantitative
social science research and strong supporters of the ICPSR Summer Program.

The Janet Box-Steffensmeier Scholarship is a waiver of Program Scholar fees
to attend one or both of the ICPSR Summer Program's four-week sessions. The
scholarship will be awarded to a maximum of three women graduate students
in Ph.D. programs.

The John A. Garcia Award is a waiver of Program Scholar fees to attend one
or both of the ICPSR Summer Program?s four-week sessions. The scholarship
will be awarded to a maximum of three under-represented graduate students
in Ph.D. programs.

To apply for the Box-Steffensmeier or Garcia Scholarships, you should
register for the Summer Program using the online form on the Summer Program
Website (
and select classes in one or both of the four-week sessions. Note that
course selections may be modified and changed later. But, the
Box-Steffensmeier and Garcia Scholarship Committee may use an applicant's
preferred courses as a criterion in the selection process for the
respective scholarships.

Along with a completed registration, an application must include:

- A current vita
- A cover letter from the student, explaining how the specific courses
chosen in the ICPSR Summer Program will contribute toward completion of the
- A faculty letter endorsing the student

The Selection Committee for the Janet Box-Steffensmeier and John A. Garcia
Scholarships is Michelle Dion (chair), McMaster University; Saundra
Schneider, Michigan State University; and Justin Esarey, Rice University.
Applications should be submitted electronically to the chair, Professor
Dion at Candidates should send their application
materials in a single e-mail message with attachments. Letters of
endorsement should be sent by faculty directly to Professor Dion (with the
candidate's name included in the subject line).

The application deadline for the Janet Box-Steffensmeier and John A. Garcia
Scholarships is April 15, 2015. Further information about the ICPSR Summer
Program, including course descriptions and the schedule, is available on
the Program Website (
Also, you should feel free to contact the ICPSR Summer Program by email at or by telephone (734-763-7400).

Outstanding female and under-represented graduate students in methodology
are encouraged strongly to apply for the Box-Steffensmeier or the Garcia
Scholarship opportunities to attend the 2015 ICPSR Summer Program.

Michelle Dion
Associate Professor, Political Science, KTH 533
Book Review Editor, Global Social Policy, KTH 527
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S4L8 CANADA

(cross posting POLMETH)

Sponsor: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Program Number: 27245
Title: Warren E. Miller Scholarship
E-mail: sumprog@icpsr.umich. edu>
Web Site:
Program URL: icpsrweb/content/sumprog/ scholarships/miller.html
SYNOPSIS: The Miller Scholarship provides a waiver of Program
Scholar fees to attend one or both of the four-week sessions in the
ICPSR Summer Program. Recipients of the Miller Scholarship will also
receive a stipend to help cover expenses while staying in Ann Arbor.
Miller Scholarships will be awarded to outstanding pre-tenure
scholars, assistant professors, and senior graduate students
conducting research on electoral/political behavior. The Miller
Scholarship is open to applicants from North American and non-North
American institutions.
Deadline(s): 04/30/2015
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