Main » 2015 » March » 19 » How to navigate the art world without gallery representation, AC Institute, publisher of AC Book

How to navigate the art world without gallery representation, AC Institute, publisher of AC Book

Deadline: May 15, 2015

Call for submissions

AC Institute, publisher of AC Books, is now accepting submissions for a
book about how to navigate the art world without gallery representation.
The book will be printed and include both national and international

Technology has opened up new avenues of communication that has allowed
artists to connect directly to audiences without the need of a
middleman. We are interested in short works that probe into this shift
in power away from the gallery system and into the hands of artists

We seek essays, illustrations, interviews, case studies and other short
works that explore new ways of operating outside of the gallery system.
While representation assists artists with promotion, sales, visibility,
collector networks and more, does it hold the same importance in the
digital age?

Works must be timely and focused on contemporary issues. We are
searching for contributions that showcase diverse voices and points of

Only completed works will be considered for inclusion.

Submissions must include a short abstract and bio. They may be emailed

DEADLINE: MAY 15, 2015
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