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PAHA's 73rd Annual Meeting, Atlanta

73rd Annual Meeting - January, 2016

PAHA's 73rd Annual Meeting will be held on January 7-10, 2016 in Atlanta as part of the 130th American Historical Association's Annual Conference.

The theme for the 2016 AHA conference is “Global Migrations: Empires, Nations, and Neighbors.” It provides an excellent opportunity for the Polish American Historical Association to showcase research carried out by its members, as well as to present it in a comparative perspective. Therefore we invite scholars who work on the Polish American experience as well as those who deal either with migration, ethnic, or regional studies and would like to present their findings within the forum presented by the PAHA. We invite session proposals that foster international, comparative perspectives which include the Polish American experience, as well as individual papers dealing with the above mentioned themes.
This year, we specifically look for proposals in the following areas:

- Polish American experience – all aspects (history, sociology, literature, art, music, etc.)
- Migration patterns, ethnic experience – comparative perspective
- Immigrant women
- Labor activism among the ethnics
- Experiences of foreigners in the American Civil War
- International activism of the anti-communist groups in the U.S. during the Cold War

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2015. Abstracts for papers and panel proposals are now being accepted and should be submitted to the Chair of the Program Committee:

Dr. Anna Mazurkiewicz
Faculty of History
University of Gdansk, Poland
ul. Wita Stwosza 55, 80-952 Gdansk

Electronic proposals in email and word format are strongly preferred.
Individuals and session organizers should include the following information when submitting a proposal:
• Paper/Session title(s) (of no more than 20 words)
• Paper/Session abstract(s) (up to 300/500 words, respectively)
• Biographical paragraph or c.v. summary (up to 250 words) for each participant
• Correct mailing and e-mail address for each participant
• Chair (required) and commentator (optional) for the session
• Audiovisual needs, if any. Please be advised that it is unlikely that PAHA will be able to use PowerPoint in its sessions, due to the high cost of rental, or that presenters will be permitted by the hosting conference hotel to bring their own. You may wish to consider distribution of paper handouts as an alternative.

The Polish American Historical Association holds its Annual Conference in conjunction with the American Historical Association (AHA). More at:
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