Main » 2015 » March » 19 » Conf. "Printmaking in Scotland in the 18th Century", Univ. of St. Andrews

Conf. "Printmaking in Scotland in the 18th Century", Univ. of St. Andrews

University of St Andrews, School of Art History, December 04, 2015
Deadline: Jun 1, 2015

Call for Papers
Printmaking in Scotland in the 18th Century
Friday 4th December 2015

This conference will explore the rich world of printmaking and its
development in Scotland in the 18th Century. While a good deal of
research exists on printmaking in England there is very little on the
relationships between artists, printmakers, publishers and collectors in

Besides contributions on the work of individual artists, we seek in
particular to explore the development of a market for prints. We invite
papers on all aspects of the subject, but we are especially interested
in contributions that will address the following questions:

- Who were the engravers and etchers, the teachers, publishers, dealers,
collectors of prints and suppliers of materials?
- How was the print trade between Scotland, London and the continent
- Were there printmakers working outside Edinburgh and Glasgow?
- Where could artists see the work of other printmakers?
- What kind of prints were they making: landscapes and prospects,
antiquities, portraits, satires, drawing manuals, book illustrations and
book plates, trade cards?
- In what ways did prints contribute to the 'discovery' of Scotland, the
Jacobite cause?

To submit a proposal for a 20-minute presentation, please send an
abstract not exceeding 300 words and a one-page CV to:

A selection of papers will be edited for publication by the conference

For further details, contact: Ann Gunn, School of Art History,
University of St Andrews:
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