Main » 2015 » March » 21 » Session at Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art "Commodity and Market"

Session at Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art "Commodity and Market"

Beijing, September 15 - 22, 2015
Deadline: Jun 30, 2015

Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA)
34th World Congress of Art History, Beijing: »Terms«, September 15-22,

Session 16: Commodity and Market (Deadline: June 30, 2015)

Chairs of the session:

Uwe Fleckner, University of Hamburg, Germany

ZHAO Li (Mr.), China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

MA Xuedong (Junior Chair, Mr.), China Central Academy of Fine Arts,
Beijing, China

The global art market is one of the determining factors in the
international exchange of art works and artistic ideas, it therefore
essentially defines the mobility of art works, understood as »image
vehicles« (Aby Warburg), as objects of an exchange of cultural
traditions, pictorial information, iconographic models and creative
artistic inventions, but also as objects of interest of public and
private collections and finally of the political and social
representation of power. The 16th section of the 34th International
Congress in the History of Art in Beijing 2016 would like to focus on
the implementation of an updated art historical method, in order to
find appropriate ways of analyzing the effects of the art market on
specific art works and their transfer history in past and present
times. We are expecting proposals by specialists in this fields for
papers dealing with case studies from issues like, for example,
colonial exploitation through the trade of indigenous art,
market-oriented creation of non-western art objects for the European
market, the forced transfer of art works in political conflicts of the
20th century up to the lasting impact of market forces on the
world-wide artistic production in contemporary art.
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