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2015 SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award

2015 SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Nomination Deadline: April 30, 2015 This annual award was established by ACM SIGKDD in 2008 to recognize excellent research by doctoral candidates in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. The KDD Doctoral Dissertation Award winner and up to two runners-up will be recognized at the KDD conference, and their dissertations will have the opportunity to be published on the KDD Web site ( The award winner will receive a plaque, a check for $2,500. The award winner will also receive a free registration to attend the KDD conference. The runners-up will receive a plaque at the conference. The winner and runners-up will be invited to present his or her work in a special session at the KDD conference. Eligibility: The final dissertation defense should take place at the nominee's host institution before the submission deadline. Furthermore, the final dissertation defense must not have taken place prior to January 1st, 2014. Nominations are limited to one doctoral dissertation per department or academic unit. Submissions must be received by the submission deadline. Each nominated dissertation must also have been successfully defended by the candidate, and the final version of each nominated dissertation must have been accepted by the candidate's academic unit. An English version of the dissertation must be submitted with the nomination. A dissertation can be nominated for both the SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award and the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. Important Dates: Submission Deadline: April 30, 2015. Notification of Awards: July 1, 2015. Award Presentation at KDD 2015: August 10-13, 2014, Sydney, USA. Submission Procedure: All nomination materials must be submitted electronically to: kshim [at] snu [dot] ac [dot] kr Please use "SIGKDD Dissertation Award Nominations" in your subject line. All nomination materials must be in English. PDF format is preferred for all materials. Late submissions will not be accepted. A nomination must include: 1. A nomination letter, written by the dissertation advisor of the candidate. This letter must include full contact information for both the advisor and the nominee as well as a one- or two-page summary of the significance of the dissertation. 2. An endorsement letter signed by the department head. 3. One PDF copy of the doctoral dissertation. 4. A copyright transfer form signed by the candidate is required giving permission for the dissertation to appear on Web site if the dissertation is selected as an award recipient (but if the nomination is also being submitted for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, only one form needs to be signed). See: 5. Optionally, the nomination may include up to two supporting letters from other individuals, discussing the significance of the dissertation. Additional information is available at: Please direct questions to the Award Committee Chair: Kyuseok Shim, Seoul National University, kshim [at] snu [dot] ac [dot] kr SIGKDD 2015 Dissertation Award Selection Committee Gautam Das (University of Texas at Arlington) Wei Fan (Baidu Big Data Lab) Christos Faloutsos (Carnegie-Mellon University) Joydeep Ghosh (University of Texas at Austin) Aris Gionis (Aalto University) Bart Goethals (University of Antwerp) Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens) Jiawei Han (UIUC) Irwin King (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Ravi Kumar (Google) Vipin Kumar (University of Minesota) Raymond Ng (UBC) Rajeev Rastogi (Amazon) Myra Spiliopoulou (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg) Jimeng Sun (Georgia Institute of Technology) Evimaria Terzi (Boston University) Shusaku Tsumoto (Shimane University) Wei Wang (UCLA) Hwanjo Yu (POSTECH)
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