Main » 2015 » March » 26 » Training course project in SLOVENIA

Training course project in SLOVENIA

Dear colleagues,

I`m posting a call for partners for a Training Course project, consisting of 2 Training Courses, taking place in SLOVENIA, in the autumn and winter of 2015...

CALL FOR PARTNERS…Training Course tackling Youth Unemployability: “PRO-PER Development”

AnimaVita Institute from Slovenia invites partner organizations to participate in these 2 one-week-long training courses, which will take place in the autumn and winter 2015, approximately 2 months apart, in Osilnica, SLOVENIA.

The goal of both TCs will be to bring together youth workers/leaders/trainers/project organizers as well as youth volunteers and unemployed youth from different EU and neighbouring countries with the purpose of empowering them and equipping them with skills needed in order to tackle the subject/problem of youth un-employability from a holistic perspective, focusing on a PERsonal as well as PROfessional development of unemployed young people.

Please find ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the project as well as HOW TO APPLY TO BE A PARTNER in the attachements!

Best regards,

Iztok Zver
Категория: Call for partner | Просмотров: 719 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 3.0/1
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