Main » 2015 » March » 26 » Switzerland : PhD Position in the Field of Glacier Stability

Switzerland : PhD Position in the Field of Glacier Stability

This PhD is funded through a new SNF Professorship in glacier seismology hosted by our institute. The project includes seismic measurements on and near Swiss glaciers and subsequent analysis with an emphasis on seismic noise monitoring. A central goal is the development of innovative approaches to evaluate and predict the stability of steep glaciers, which constitute a serious natural hazard in Alpine regions. The ideal candidate is highly motivated, has a background in geophysics, physics, applied mathematics, earth sciences, or engineering, and is familiar with numerical methods for analyzing geophysical data. She/he will collaborate with seismologists at the Swiss Seismological Service and ETH's Geophysical Institute to implement existing and develop new techniques for seismic noise analysis. The planned fieldwork requires a good physical shape; mountaineering skills would be a plus. The working language is preferably German, but English is also possible; knowledge of German would be an asset in any case. The expected starting date is summer 2015. For further Information please contact Dr. Fabian Walter by e-mail (no applications) and visit our website Applications with cover letter, cv, diplomas and work certificates (if any) should be sent online (via "apply now" below) with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mrs. Corina Niescher, Human Resources, CH-8093 Zürich. Application Deadline : 15 April 2015
Категория: PHD | Просмотров: 579 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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