Main » 2015 » March » 27 » Call for 1 EVS volunteer from Portugal, Spain, Estonia or Turkey for a project in Romania

Call for 1 EVS volunteer from Portugal, Spain, Estonia or Turkey for a project in Romania

Update: We are still looking for 1 volunteer from Portugal, Spain, Estonia or Turkey. The new deadline for applications is 03.04.2015 only for interested candidates to occupy the 1 place that is still available within the group of 4 volunteers participating. -- ZURY Association in partnership with other 4 sending organizations from Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Estonia is developing the project (a mobility youth project - KA1 - European Voluntary Service) within the new Erasmus+ programme within which is looking for EVS volunteers to be hosted in a voluntary stage in Arad, Romania that is going to start on 1st of May 2015 and will last for 10 months. Those interested to discover more about the project activities, application procedure and other details, are invited consult the description below. Project's title: Healthy life - your 'new high' Hosting organization: ZURY Association - Romania Sending organizations: INDICOT (ES), Rota Jovem (PT), S&G (TR), Seiklejate Vennaskond (EE) Period of the voluntary stage: 01.05.2015 - 29.02.2016 Location: Arad, Romania Vacancies: 4 (1 volunteer from each country: ES, PT, TR, EE) Deadline for applications: 03.04.2015 General description of the project: is the initiative of ZURY Association from Timisoara (RO) whose aim is to diminish the consumption of drugs, alcohol and tobacco among youth by organizing information and awareness raising campaigns, presenting the negative effects of their consumption as well as promoting in the same time a healthy lifestyle through stimulating young people and children to get involved in recreational sportive and out-door activities, non-formal educational activities and activities of spending their free time in a constructive and pleasant way in disfavor of consuming drugs, alcohol and tobacco. The project is focused on the following subjects: a healthy lifestyle, health & well being, youth. Through the activities planned, the project wishes to support solving the serious problematic at regional, national as well as European level of drugs, alcohol and tobacco consumption among youth which in the last years has increased significantly, Romania being one of the European member states with the higher increasing rate of consumption and extension of target groups concerned. The project objectives are the following: 1. Inform, educate and raise awareness among 1000 representatives of the youth population from Arad and Timisoara concerning the risks of drugs, alcohol and tobacco consumption during the project 2. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among 300 young people and children from Arad and Timisoara during the project duration Tasks of the volunteers: In order to ensure the achievement of the proposed objectives, the promoters planned to develop the following activities by the EVS volunteers involved within the project: organizing 8 information campaigns regarding the negative effects of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol consumption in 8 educational institutions from AR and TM for 1000 beneficiaries; in order to develop the campaigns, the volunteers will prepare and realize a general plan of the initiatives, will create a design together with the other stakeholders involved, will identify the target group and will plan the presentation sessions according to the locations, will deliver the presentations and will distribute promotional materials for sustaining their message. Altogether, the volunteers will realize a small evaluation session of the information they delivered to the participants at the end of their presentations and the information campaigns that they will develop. (months 2 -8 of the voluntary stages) organizing 8 workshops for promoting a healthy lifestyle in 8 educational institutions from Arad and Timisoara with the participation of 200 youngsters and students; the volunteers will prepare the design of the workshops, will select the target groups, will establish and prepare the future location for the development of the workshops, will prepare the materials and the other resources necessary and will deliver the workshops as well as will evaluate their activities, at the end. (months 2 -8 of the voluntary stages) organizing 2 public events in connection with the education and awareness raising of young generation as far as it concerns the negative effects of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol consumption with the occasion World No Tobacco Day (31st of May) and International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26th of June); the volunteers will identify other stakeholders with whom they will cooperate, will establish the program of the activities for the respective days, will realize the resource plan, will distribute promotional materials for informing the young population about the events, will support the events by engaging those present and will request for feedback from the participants. During the event, the volunteers will take into consideration the organization of some manifestations, of some debates on the themes proposed as well as a flash mob (months 2-3, respective 4-5) prepare, organize and implement sportive activities, for spending free time, games and educational and personal development workshops for 100 young pupils and children during the entire project (months 3-4, 6-9) develop an information and awareness raising campaign in connection with the importance of using bicycle as s mean of transportation as well as a method of spending free time in a pleasant and healthy way in the same time among 50 young people (months 3-4, 6-9) develop and consolidate a cyclist amateur club with at least 20 members from AR and TM and the organization of 5 connected activities (outdoor tours, cycling events in urban areas as well as in mountain areas from the county etc.) (months 6-9) During the first month of the voluntary stage, the volunteers will be accommodated with the new hosting communities, will get to meet the local stakeholders and will prepare the proposed activities. The volunteers will come from 4 different countries, the first group being hosted in Arad city and the second one in the city of Timisoara. Besides the planned and mentioned activities, the volunteers will be encouraged to come up with their own initiatives and other ideas for activities and actions for the local community as long as they help achieving the planned objectives. In this way, the promoters will offer the necessary space for the volunteers to exercise their own creativity and their entrepreneurial spirit. The volunteers will be responsible for putting the ideas into practice and achieving the proposed results as well as they will be stimulated to learn on their own, through the method learning by doing and by experimenting. The role of the partner organizations involved will be to promote the vacant places within the project, to recruit and select together with the coordinating organization the future EVS volunteers who will be engaged. Also, they will assume the task of preparing the volunteers before the voluntary stage by offering them Pre Departure Training as well as support them in connection with all the practical arrangements necessary for the well going of the project. During the voluntary stages, the sending organizations will maintain the contact with the volunteers sent as well as the coordinating organization in order to follow up their progress, the development of the project and will stimulate the volunteers to get involved later on in follow-up activities and dissemination activities of their results and experiences achieved during the voluntary stage, once this will be finished. The partner organizations will also have an important role in the processing of ensuring the visibility and promotion of the activities that the volunteers will be developing as well as the financer in their own countries. Profile of the volunteers: The interested candidates that wish to apply for this project which will be considered as future EVS volunteers will have to respect the following general profile: young people aged between 18 and 30 ONLY from the mentioned countries (this call is only for volunteers; candidates will be redirected to the partner organizations already selected!) interested by the subjects and the problematic proposed within the project: drugs, cigarettes and alcohol consumption, sportive activities, non-formal education etc. full of empathy, motivated, open minded and able to work with vulnerable youth and children with a capacity of self-organization, responsible and flexible, independent available to work in an intercultural environment, in multicultural and mixed teams and able to adapt to new contexts and situations full of initiative and innovative spirit, creative with previous experience in developing different activities with youth and children (with be considered an advantage) or similar activities with the ones proposed in the project with sportive allure, young sportive or interested in practicing sports with capacity to exploit the results of the project and to fructify their experience in the future in order to develop on a personal and professional level interested to get involved afterwards in disseminating the activities and the results of the project, at the end of their voluntary stage and to get involved in follow-up initiatives in their own countries Through the mentioned procedure the promoting organizations will ensure that a specific attention will be given to the involvement of young people with fewer opportunities from the following points of view or facing these difficulties/obstacles: young people with social difficulties, young people belonging to mono-parental families or disorganized families, youth with difficulties in integration, unemployed or with low incomes, which belong or are part of a family with a low standard of living or poor families, youth from the rural areas with difficulties or coming from isolated areas (such as islands), facing educational difficulties and obstacles in learning, with reduce linguistic knowledge and abilities, young people with low scholar results or educational levels. Candidates are kindly asked to mention their situation (if the case) in the application form. Within the project, the EVS volunteers will benefit of the following aspects: preparation, training and integration international transport welcoming and accommodation board/food allowance pocket money local transport (for developing the planned activities, if the case) medical insurance access to activities and resources validation of personal learning outcomes through issuing of a YouthPass certificate Documents needed for application: Curriculum Vitae Formular de aplicare (Application form) Based on these documents, a pre-selection of candidates will be made and interviews will be conducted for ensuring the final selection of the future EVS volunteers that will be involved in the project. The deadline for submitting the completed application is 3rd of April 2015. The applications should be sent to this following e-mail address: with mentioning the project title in the subject of the message. Only fully completed applications will be taken into consideration for evaluation. Because of the short time available, candidatures will be considered in the order we receive them. Thank you! *** The official call can be found here:
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