Main » 2015 » March » 27 » Thematic Summer School FOCOLISE, Strasbourg

Thematic Summer School FOCOLISE, Strasbourg

Thematic Summer School FOCOLISE Incremental and collaborative mining of massive multisource multitemporal data: Application in Environmental Science June 28 to July 2, 2015, Strasbourg The thematic school, focused on the field of collaborative and incremental mining of massive spatio-temporal data, will be composed of 5 thematic days. Each theme will be addressed from the point of view of computer science and information processing, and the point of view of environmental science. The goal is to foster discussions and collaborations amongst the research communities that will be present during the event. Multiple practical sessions on the presented concepts will be organized. Preliminary program: Introduction to the field of data mining and the issues of data analysis for environmental sciences. Collaborative and incremental approaches in data mining. Temporal aspects of data mining. Use of applicative domains in the process of data mining.   Challenges of collaborative and incremental data mining, and specific requirements in environmental science. Targeted audience: Researchers, teachers in higher education, PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, engineers (in academic or industrial environments) in Computer Science, in the ICTS domain, but also working in the domains of Environmental Science and Earth Science. The required level is Master or Engineering degree in one of these fields. Call for participation: Multiple grants (registration and/or travel expenses) will be offered by partners of the school (University of Strasbourg, EGC, etc.). Application modalities are available on the website. Registration: Modalities and registration on the website of the event: Deadline for pre-registration: 30 April 2015.
Категория: Summer School | Просмотров: 662 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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