Main » 2015 » March » 29 » Conf. "Euro and the European banking system," "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

Conf. "Euro and the European banking system," "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi

The conference seeks to bring into light a key issue of the European integration process, namely the way banking integration and the adopting of the European single currency affect the economies of the new member states. In order to achieve this objective, the conference aims at reuniting academic researchers and specialists both from Romania and abroad (other European Union member countries and also neighboring and candidate states), and to provide the necessary background for the development of a constructive debate on this theme.

The contributors are encouraged to approach one of the four main topics of the conference (but not limited to):

Banks, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy
European Public Policies for the Business Environment
The Impact of European Integration on Corporate and Entrepreneurial Finance
The European Economic Legislative Landscape – Challenges and Perspectives
All the expenses with conference materials, paper publication, coffee breaks and conference lunch will be supported from the funds provided by the “Euro and the Banking Integration Process in an Enlarged EU” project, Reference no. 2012-2911/001-001, within the Jean Monnet Life Long Learning Programme – Key Activity 1.

More details on this event can be found at
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