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Workshops Peacemakers 2015 "What happened to Yugoslavia?", Koç University, Istanbul

PEACEMAKERS 2015 "What happened to Yugoslavia?"

Greetings from Koç University, Istanbul!

We are glad to share with you an invitation to participate in our 4th
Peacemakers Conference & Workshop.
The topic for this fourth edition will be "What Happened to
Yugoslavia". We aim to analyze the sources of the conflict that led
to dissolution of Yugoslavia & prejudices that arose form it and well
as work on the ways to overcome these prejudices.

The 2015 Peacemakers initiative will be as follows:
June 22th Conference
June 23th-24th-25th Workshop
The conference will be open to the public and you can be excited
through inspiring speeches, panel discussions as well as
entrepreneurial talks.
Confirm your participation until the 12th June, by clicking

Speakers at the upcoming conference include:

* Prof. Dr. Umran S. Inan, President, Koc University, Turkey
* Mr. Ahmet Kamil Erozan, Ambassador, First Deputy Secretary
General Org. of the Black Sea Economic Coop., Turkey
* Mr. Bilge Cankorel, Former Turkish Ambassador, Turkey
* Prof. Dr. Sabrina Petra Ramet, Norwegian University of Science &
Technology, Norway
* Prof. Dr. Dejan Jovic, Zagreb University, Croatia

* Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birgül Demirtaş, TOBB University, Turkey
* Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marko Attila Hoare, Kingston University, United Kingdom
* Dr. Govinda Clayton, Kent University, United Kingdom
* Dr. Eref Kenan Raidagic, Sarajevo University, Bosnia & Herzegovina
* Dr. Altuğ Günal, Ege University, Turkey
* GLODEM Koc University - Center for Research on Globalization,
Peace and Democratic Governance, Turkey

On a separate note, the participation at the workshop, led by Dr.
Govinda Clayton,
is limited to candidates fulfilling specific criteria:

* Citizens of countries that form former Yugoslavia (Slovenia,
Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo)
* Have firsthand been affected by the conflict or have close family
that has experienced the war
* Show interest in the specific topic
* A Good Command of English
* Age: 20-30 years old
* CV, application and letter of intent will be the criteria evaluated

20 participants will be selected
Lodging, meals and flights will be provided for selected workshop participants.
Please do not hesitate to circulate the information to anybody who
might be interested. To apply for the workshop please register
here .

Application Deadline for the workshop is May 4th, 2015!

Please contact us at
if you need more information.
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