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18th Conf. on Conceptual History, West Univ. of Timisoara, Romania

West University of Timișoara, Romania, 16-18 September 2015

The 18th International Conference of Conceptual History will be organized at the West University of Timișoara on 16-18 September 2015 by Victor Neumann and Sorin Antohi, in collaboration with the History of Concepts Group (HCG). The event will bring together researchers from the humanities and the social sciences, in order to foster an inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue between various academic traditions, with a focus on the history of concepts and on conceptual history.

For the first time, a HCG-initiated annual conference takes place in Romania. There are good reasons for this breakthrough. Conceptual history has a strong footing at the West University of Timișoara, where Reinhart Koselleck has received the Doctor Honoris Causa degree in 2005, and most of his private library has been generously donated by his family. It is also the place where, in collaboration with the Institute of History of Aachen University (RWTH Aachen), with the support of the Volkswagen Foundation, the Reinhart Koselleck International Doctoral School of Conceptual History and the Centre for Advanced Studies in History were established. They both concentrate on Begriffgsechichte, looking most closely at Central and Eastern Europe, more generally at all the former communist countries, at Europe as a whole, and beyond. The two institutions have already hosted three international conferences which have resulted in many publications, ranging from collective volumes to thematic blocks, and refereed articles.

The 18th International Conference of Conceptual History in Timișoara will deal with Multi-, Inter-, Pluri-: Languages, Cultures, and Identities in Complex Societies. The aim of the conference is to take stock of and analyse the entangled concepts, paradigms, interpretations, and meanings stemming from and being used in complex societies—i.e., societies in which many people, if not most or all, have multiple backgrounds (ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious, ideological, etc.). As a matter of fact, all globalisations (past and present) have resulted in and have been triggered by interacting complex societies. To an ever-growing extent, all societies are complex, and even self-centred, ostensibly isolated, homogeneous communities move in the same direction. Hence, the focus of our conference the conceptual history and phenomenology of such prefixes as multi-, inter-, pluri-.

A first objective of the conference is to highlight the way in which the discourses and practices of multi-, inter-, and pluriculturality have been construed, understood and promoted around the world.

A second objective of the conference is to explore the theory and history of the concepts of multi-, inter- and pluriculturality.

A third objective is to further ground objectives one and two in a discussion of collective identities.

We invite paper proposals from scholars from all the humanities and social sciences, with a preference for interdisciplinary approaches. Proposals of individual papers should not exceed 400 words, and panel proposals should not exceed 800. The authors’ CVs will have maximum 120 words and must contain the name, institutional affiliation, and any other relevant information. Each panel will last for two hours, and will include three to four papers. Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses. Upon request, the organisers are able to offer assistance in finding accommodation at reasonable prices. The registration fee is 100 euros.

Please send your proposals to one of the following email addresses:;
no later than June, 1st 2015.

Prof. Dr. Victor Neumann, Prof. Sorin Antohi, Center for Advanced Studies in History, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, West University of Timisoara, Bd. Vasile Pârvan No.4, Office 156. 300223 Timișoara, România
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