Main » 2015 » March » 30 » Norway : PhD Research Fellow in Secure and Robust Network based Systems

Norway : PhD Research Fellow in Secure and Robust Network based Systems

A position as PhD Research fellow is available at the Department of Informatics.
The fellowship is for a period of up to 4 years, with 25 % compulsory work. Starting date no later than 01.10.2015. No one can be appointed for more than one fixed-term period at the same institution.
Job description:
The Internet is being revolutionized by the interest-based data exchange within social communities. Millions of users in free online social networks (OSNs) are producing staggering volumes of data: Facebook receives more than 4.75 billion shared items every day while Twitter receives more than half a billion tweets per day.
However, numerous incidents indicate that free OSN services cannot be relied upon when it comes to protecting sensitive user data. As observed in multiple sources, concentrating the personal data of hundreds of millions of users under a single administrative domain leaves users vulnerable to large-scale privacy violations via inadvertent disclosures and malicious attacks. Furthermore, OSN terms of service often give the provider the right to reuse users' data in any way the provider sees fit.
We are seeking students who are interested in designing, developing, and evaluating techniques that address privacy in social networks.
The fellowship is a part of the ConSeRNS initiative at the University of Oslo. ConSeRNS is run by 12 faculty from the Department of Informatics. The initiative targets absolutely essential research challenges in security and robustness of ICT infrastructures. ConSeRNS is part of a national Center for Resilient Networks and Applications (CRNA), which spans Simula Research Laboratory, the University of Bergen as well as the University of Oslo.
Additional information about the position is available at the following website.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a strategic ambition of being a leading research faculty. Candidates for these fellowships will be selected in accordance with this, and expected to be in the upper segment of their class with respect to academic credentials.
Applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent in the area of computer science with an emphasis on networks and distributed systems.
Candidates without a Master's degree have until 30 June, 2015 to complete the final exam.
The purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree.
The fellowship requires admission to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The application to the PhD programme must be submitted to the department no later than two months after taking up the position. For more information see:
Applying and being admitted to the PhD programme
Research education: The PhD programme
A good command of English is required
Position code 1017, Pay grade: 50 - 57 (NOK 429 700 – 482 800 per year)
The application must include:
Application letter
CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work - scientific publications)
Copies of educational certificates, transcript of records and letters of recommendation
Documentation of English proficiency
List of publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
Research proposal describing aims for the PhD research
Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)
Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University's grading system. Please remember that all documents should be in English or a Scandinavian language.
In accordance with the University of Oslo's equal opportunities policy, we invite applications from all interested individuals regardless of gender or ethnicity.
UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o
Further Information
Application Deadline : 13 April 2015
Категория: PHD | Просмотров: 564 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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