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Entegrity is Courage

Entegrity is Courage! With this Project, we want to make awareness and organize some campaign to stand against discrimination and racism. Who we are : Younclusion is an new association which is established by an informal group of young people. The ex-name of the team was COM Youth CLUB and now will organize new projects under the name of Younclusion. Our volunteers and staffs want to realize their passions, pick up new challenges and search for any occasions to prove their skills. Thus, we took an initiative to establish the Younclusion! Younclusion is non-profit, non-governmental organization with aim to improve the situation of young people, women and marginal groups of the society in all areas of social life. This is achieved by promotion of gender equality, democracy, human rights, social development, volunteerism, integration (LGBT, Migrations, Minorities, Disabled People etc.) mostly through art&culture projects. Our Themes are; - Social problems ( migration, integration, fighting against violence community, active participation) - Culture ( respect for diversity, peaceful co-existence) - Political Issues (democracy, human rights, freedom etc.) - Art (theatre, music, photography, dancing, handicraft etc.) Therefore, we have quite enough experience in a high variety of topics. Main objectives are: - To encourage our target group to take part in our projects and events, - To contribute community development by planning local and national events, - To foster cooperation in international level for mobility in the youth field, - To support any kind of initiatives from our target group for improving of personal and professional skills, Main departments are: - Community development, - Personal and professional development, - Youth - Integration and social inclusion - Research and promotion - National and international cooperation Who we want to work with: We would like to cooperate with youth workers who are involved in a voluntary organizations, social enterprises, informal youth groups, schools, youth centers, public organizations. And the one who work on the topic of RASICM and/or DISCRIMINATION and/or MIGRATION and/or INCLUSION and/or SOCIAL DIALOG etc. What are the activities: Withing this Project, we will organize a youth Exchange and a TC(mobility of youth workers ). The programme of the activities will be shared only with the selected partners. - Youth Exchange: 4 youngsters and a group leader for each countries. - Mobility of Youthworkers: 2 youthworkers from each organization. Why we want to organize this Project: In last few years, Turkey has accepted many refugees and migrants from Middle East and African Countries. Due to regional conflicts and civil war, many people had to leave their home for a better or just safer life. Additionaly, due to economical reason and poverty, many young Africans travel abroad for a better education and job opportunities. Turkey, especially Istanbul includes many more people with different stories. But all of them have common issue “discrimination”. With this Project, we want to make awareness and organize some campaign to stand against discrimination and racism. We want to work with organizations who already have experience and they can Exchange their knowledge with us in order to achieve our goals and make bigger impact at the community. How we want to do: Between September 2015 – September 2016, we want to organize 2 international activities. One of them will be with the youth workers in order to make Exchange of knowledge and different practices. In a few month later, we will organize the youth Exchange and work on our campaign (flashmob, online campaign etc./ we will decide during the first mobility). After the youth Exchange, we will continue to work with our loca volunteers in order to spread the knowledge we all gain; make the people know the value of diversity; and build a social dialogue. This project will provide a non-formal and creative learning methods that will focus on knowledge, key competences and learning tools which needed for the purpose. P.S.: This project will be held in Istanbul/Turkey. If you want to apply for partnership, please fill the enclosed documents and send back us to: with the subject: "Entegrity is Courage - Country Name - Organization"
Категория: Call for partner | Просмотров: 693 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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