Main » 2015 » April » 6 » Conf. "Populism, majoritarianism and the crisis of liberal democracy: Modes of illiberal governan..

Conf. "Populism, majoritarianism and the crisis of liberal democracy: Modes of illiberal governan..

Populism, majoritarianism and the crisis of liberal democracy: Modes
of illiberal governance in comparative perspective

The Centre of Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz,
together with the Consortium of European Symposia on Turkey (CEST), is
delighted to invite paper submissions for a Symposium from October
1-3, 2015 at the University of Graz.

The Symposium on Populism, majoritarianism and crises of liberal
democracy seeks to identify and discuss, in comparative perspective,
the root causes, dynamics, effects and modes of "illiberal
governance". We use the term "illiberal governance" in a heuristic
fashion rather than as a normative claim. Such modes of governance are
increasingly identifiable not only among those regimes classified as
hybrid or authoritarian but also among established liberal

Abstract submissions should engage with one of the following Symposium themes:

Democracy, authoritarianism and hybrid regimes: A critical assessment
Which are the main conceptual debates on hybrid forms of
governance distinct from both dictatorship and liberal democracy? What
is the explanatory power of concepts such as 'Illiberal Democracy',
'Majoritarianism', 'Competitive Authoritarianism'?
Crises of liberal democracy: Causes and effects
What are the crises of liberal democracy and to what extent are
they responsible for the rise in populist, majoritarian, illiberal
modes of governance? What are the socio-economic, political, cultural,

historical and institutional factors that give rise to these
governance modes? How can we factor in issues of path-dependence and
exogenous impacts?
Modes of governance (1): Grand narratives, ideologies and alliances
How do their proponents legitimate and popularise illiberal modes
of governance? How are alliances made and unmade? Religion, class,
gender, ethnicity, nationalism.
Modes of governance (2): Forms of control and accumulation of power
How do illiberal systems accumulate, maintain and lose power?
Modes of governance through political institutions, media and
Modes of governance (3): Political economy
How do illiberal systems accumulate wealth? Modes of production,
networks of appropriation and dispossession, forms of distribution.

We welcome applications from all fields related to the study of
society and politics, with a particular interest in comparative work
and cross-regional approaches. Comparative work on countries
including, but not limited to Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Greece,
Macedonia and Italy is particularly encouraged. We would also like to
stress our interest in historical studies on authoritarian regimes,
transitions from and back to authoritarianism and a critical debate on
the conclusions, which can be drawn from those historical cases for
our understanding of illiberal modes of governance today.

Applicants are invited to submit an abstract of 500 words, a one-page
CV and a publication list (if applicable) of no more than one page.
The submission deadline is 4 May 2015. Please make sure to indicate
which theme your abstract seeks to contribute to.

Convenors: Kerem Öktem, Florian Bieber, Karabekir Akkoyunlu
Who can apply? PhD Students, Post-Docs and academics. Advanced Master
students may apply, if their proposal is based on fresh empirical
Submission deadline: 4 May 2015
Submission requirements: 500 word abstract, one-page CV, publication list.
Submission mailbox:
Successful applicants will be informed mid-May 2015.
Expenses: Travel and accommodation expenses of selected participants
will be fully funded.
Submission of papers: Draft papers will have to be submitted by mid-September.
Publication: We will support the publication of the best papers.
Please consult Dr. Karabekir Akkoyunlu for further information:

This Symposium is convened as part of the Consortium for European
Symposia on Turkey (CEST). CEST is committed to the study of modern
Turkey by bringing together the expertise of leading European research
institutions: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, London School of
Economics , SciencesPo, Stockholm University, Universität Hamburg,
University of Oxford
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