Main » 2015 » April » 6 » European Youth Award (EYA) 2015

European Youth Award (EYA) 2015

The European Youth Award (EYA) 2015 has been launched!
Innovative students and young people under 30 (born after January 1,
1985), from one of the member states of the Council of Europe, Belarus or
Kosovo can enter their projects on the six categories:

1. Healthy Life: nutrition, healthcare
2. Smart Learning: education, e-skills, open science
3. Connecting Cultures: arts, games, diversity
4. Go Green: sustainable energy,mobility, urban development
5. Active Citizenship: free journalism, open government, social cohesion
6. Money Matters: financial literacy, employment, smart consumerism.

The 2015 European Youth Award Nominees will be invited to the EYA Festival
in Graz (Austria), from 18 to 20 November 2015.

Deadline to submit entries: 15 July 2015

Find out more:
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