Main » 2015 » April » 6 » ICT 2015 "Innovate, Connect, Transform," Lisbon

ICT 2015 "Innovate, Connect, Transform," Lisbon

In the framework of the ICT 2015 event in Europe, the European Commission
is inviting young researchers, students and innovators in ICT-related
field to join the ICT 2015 "Innovate, Connect, Transform' event taking
place in Lisbon, (Portugal) on 20-22 October 2015.

Students, Young Researchers and Innovators will be offered:

- Facilitated exchanges and mentoring meetings with experienced
researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs;
- Demonstration of ongoing ICT research projects, initiatives and
- Online and remote engagement via the ICT2015 online platform, @ICT2015eu
#ICT2015 Twitter and the network of young students, researchers and
- Travel and accomodation (flights or train tickets within Europe and
accommodation in a nearby hotel; entrance, food and drinks at the event
are free).

Furthermore they will be able to interact, communicate, participate and
discuss at the ICT 2015 event. They will be grouped based on their
background and interests. Each group will be given different tasks to
perform during the event.

Eligible candidates should:
- be up to 30 years old;
- be nationals of an EU Member State or one of the [
]associated countries of the Horizon 2020 programme;
- have at least secondary school level (if young innovator);
- be enrolled at a university/research institute based in the EU or one of
the associated countries and/or a strong interest in ICT;
- have good command/proficient in spoken and written English.

Deadline: 31 May 2015

Find out more:
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