Main » 2015 » April » 6 » Research Associates in Data Integration and Decision Support, Manchester

Research Associates in Data Integration and Decision Support, Manchester

Research Associates in Data Integration and Decision Support (2 Posts)
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester

Closing date : 30/04/2015
Employment type : Fixed Term
Duration : Available from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2018
Salary : £30,434 to £37,394 per annum

Two postdoctoral Research Associate positions are available to
undertake research in the development of techniques and systems for
big data integration. The positions are funded by an EPSRC Programme
Grant entitled VADA: Value Added Data Systems - Principles and
Architecture, in which researchers from Manchester, Edimburgh and
Oxford Universities, in collaboration with industrial partners, will
develop foundations, techniques and systems for the systematic
extraction, integration and cleaning of big data. The research on data
integration will investigate techniques in which pay-as-you-go data
integration tasks are informed by systematic multi-criteria

You will have, or be working towards, a PhD or equivalent in computer
science or decision support. For one of the positions, experience with
data management, query processing or data integration will be
important, and for the other experience in decision support or machine
learning will be essential. Both positions will involve research and
software development in a geographically distributed team, and thus
excellent collaboration and communication skills will be required.

For further particulars and application information, please see:
Please state on you application which post you are applying for. The
School of Computer Science is committed to promoting equality and
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