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Wim Duisenberg Research Fellowship Programme

Call for Research Proposals
Wim Duisenberg Research Fellowship Programme

The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking applications from leading
senior professionals in academia, central banks and research
institutions for the Duisenberg Research Fellowship. Fellowship
positions are awarded annually. Successful candidates will be
offered an assignment in the Directorate General Research (DG/R) for a
period of between two and eleven months in the 2016 calendar year.

monetary policy and its other tasks and functions by conducting
economic research and providing research-based policy advice and
analytical tools. In particular, DG-R conducts research in the fields
of monetary economics, macroeconomics and finance, and develops,
maintains and uses econometric models for forecasting and policy

ABOUT THE PROGRAMME: The aim of the Wim Duisenberg Research Fellowship
Programme, which was established in 2006, is threefold:
- promote policy-relevant research that meets the highest academic standards;
- offer research staff at the ECB the opportunity to gain exposure to,
and experience in, the most recent advances in economic research; and
- give prominent scholars the opportunity to gain an insight into the
policy-making environment of the ECB.

FELLOWSHIP DESCRIPTION: The successful applicant will be entrusted
with the following main tasks:
- Conduct economic research on issues of relevance to the ECB.

QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Selected candidates will hold a PhD
from a leading university and have outstanding publication records.

The programme is aimed at senior professionals from academia, central
banks and research institutions. Candidates should be internationally
recognised experts in their field of research who wish to take a
period of leave or a sabbatical from their current place of work.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Research fellows will conduct their activities on
the ECB's premises in Frankfurt am Main and will be encouraged to
interact with ECB staff members, both in DG R and in other business
areas. They will have access to the ECB's library, and to the
computing facilities and statistical data necessary to conduct their
research successfully.

While at the ECB, research fellows will be expected to complete a
research paper of a theoretical or empirical nature for presentation
at internal seminars and external conferences, and for publication
both in the ECB's Working Paper Series and in a leading journal. A
proposal for a research project must be presented by candidates as
part of the application procedure.

Successful candidates will be offered a monthly allowance in line with
the seniority of the described profile.

Closing date for applications: 30 June 2015

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications should be submitted in English and
must include:
- a detailed curriculum vitae, including details of the candidate's
publication record;
- a one-page summary of the research work that the candidate would
like to carry out at the ECB, specifying the objectives of the work,
the methodological, statistical and computing requirements involved,
and the approximate time necessary for completing the research and
preparing one or more submissions to the ECB's Working Paper Series.

Furthermore, the candidate is invited to explain how he or she expects
to benefit from interaction with ECB staff.

Applications shall be submitted by e-mail to

Further information about the programme may be obtained from Luc
Laeven, Director General Research, on +49 69 1344 8834, or by sending
an e-mail to
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 512 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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