Main » 2015 » April » 6 » Comic & Cartoon Competition, "Gender Equality: Picture It"

Comic & Cartoon Competition, "Gender Equality: Picture It"

The UN Women and the European Commission, together with the Belgian
Development Cooperation and UNRIC, have launched the Comic & Cartoon
Competition - Gender Equality: Picture It! .

The Competition is part of the UN Women campaign “Empowering Women –
Empowering Humanity: Picture It!” celebrating the 20th anniversary of
the Fourth World Conference on Women that took place in Beijing in 1995.

Comic and cartoon artists and art students, from 18 to 28 years old, who
are residents of an EU Member State.

Drawings will have to depict the messages of the 12 Critical Areas of
Concern of the Beijing Platform, and reflect on women’s rights and
empowerment and on the relationship between women and men.

- One First Prize: 1000 EUR
- One Second Prize: 500 EUR
- Three Third Prizes: 200 EUR each

The five finalists will be invited to Brussels (Belgium) to the
Competition awards ceremony in summer 2015, costs for travel and stay
covered by the organisers.
In addition, the finalists’ and semi-finalists’ drawings will be
published in a booklet and may be used for exhibition as well as for
further publication.

Deadline to submit entries: 20 April 2015

Find out more:

The Competition will be added to the Eurodesk database.
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