Main » 2015 » April » 10 » Summer School “Social Interactions and Urban Segregation”, CREM Rennes

Summer School “Social Interactions and Urban Segregation”, CREM Rennes

ANR “Social Interactions, Stratification and Inequality” (ANR 12-INEG-0002)

Over the last decade, developments in both behavioral economics and
network theory have offered new models of social interactions. These
theories allow to better understand the role of peer influence and
externalities in urban segregation and inequality. This Summer School
was devoted to the study of the recent advances in these fields. Two
leading researchers were invited. Roland Bénabou has delivered a 6
hour lecture on his works on the determinants of pro-social behavior.
The second day was dedicated to the presentations of the participants
on their own papers. On the last day, Yves Zenou gave a 6 hour lecture
on his research on social networks and urban segregation.⟨=fr
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