Main » 2015 » April » 10 » Summer School on Public Policy Evaluation, Örebro University and the Swedish Graduate Progra

Summer School on Public Policy Evaluation, Örebro University and the Swedish Graduate Progra

Public Policy Evaluation is a five day summer school organized by
Örebro University and the Swedish Graduate Program in Economics
(Swegpec). It will be held August 17-21, 2015, at Örebro University in
Sweden, and is sponsored by a grant from Handelsbankens
forskningsstiftelser. The summer school offers a condensed program on
cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis as policy tools for
public policy evaluation. The focus is on the valuation of non-market
goods in the area of environment, health, and transportation. The
course is designed to be of particular benefit to PhD students and
researchers in economics, public policy, health economics, health
services, as well as to professionals working with economic evaluation
in governmental or non-governmental organizations.
Категория: Summer School | Просмотров: 622 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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