Main » 2015 » April » 10 » Yearbook of the Faculty of Security Studies - University of St. “Kliment Ohridski

Yearbook of the Faculty of Security Studies - University of St. “Kliment Ohridski

The editorial board of the Yearbook of the Faculty of Security Studies - University of St. “Kliment Ohridski,” Macedonia, is pleased to welcome submissions for the 2015 issue of the annual publication. As an international multi-disciplinary publication the Yearbook with many volumes it has an International Editorial Board. The Yearbook publishes innovative scholarly manuscripts specializing in the field of security studies, including a wide range of topics including: International relations; Police sciences, Security studies; Homeland and International Security; Criminology; Criminal Law and Legal sciences, and Criminalistics.

This year the main topic of the Yearbook will be Contemporary Challenges to Security in the Western Balkans. The Editorial Board is welcoming original research articles (not to exceed 8000 words including references and endnotes). All submitted manuscripts should contain author's name and affiliation, email (in the footnote), the title, abstract (up to 150 words), key words (from 5 to 10), body of the text, and bibliography. The Yearbook is published in Macedonian and English.

Deadline for submitting abstracts of manuscripts is 15 May, 2015. Abstracts should be sent electronically Final deadline for paper submission is 20.08.2015.

Peer Review Policy: All research articles published in the Yearbook will be subject to undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least anonymous referees.

Guidelines for Contributors: The text of the paper should not exceed 8000 words, in English (without spelling and typographical mistakes). Citations should be made using the Chicago Manual of Style. One author cannot send more than two papers (first author of one paper, and co-author of another one). The editorial committee insists on full compliance with the Guidelines described above.

On the behalf of the Editorial Board, Editor-in-chief:
Prof. Zhidas Daskalovski, PhD


Dr. Zhidas Daskalovski
School of Public Policy |Mother Teresa|
Center for Research and Policy Making
Main Office
St. Cico Popovikj
Zgrada 6, Vlez 2, Stan 9
Skopje, Macedonia
mobile: +38970231949
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