Main » 2015 » April » 14 » EBRU: An Opening Gate to Tradition and Intercultural Learning

EBRU: An Opening Gate to Tradition and Intercultural Learning


PROJECT TITLE: EBRU: An Opening Gate to Tradition and
Intercultural Learning

The aim of the project is to contribute to the widening of the intercultural learning among the youth of Europe. The project also aims at developing artistic skills of European youth by creating an atmosphere where young people can interact with each other and learn each other’s cultural identity through traditional arts. Additionally, the project intends to create an interest among youth for the preservation of traditional arts that are under the threat of being forgotten in the globalizing world.

Applicant: Gençlik Sosyal Gelişim Derneği (GESOGED), Balikesir, TURKEY

Language: English

Who can participate: Each partner is invited to send 4 participants aged 18 - 28yrs of age and 1 youth leader/worker. (total of 5 partner groups) (One disabled participant is also welcomed)

When and Where: The project will last ten days and will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in August 2015.

For more information please, contact Ms. Deniz Hızal: or
Категория: Call for partner | Просмотров: 744 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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