Main » 2015 » April » 17 » Germany : PhD on HIV pathogenesis studies

Germany : PhD on HIV pathogenesis studies

The Department of Infectious Diseases, Integrative Virology, University of Heidelberg, Germany offers a position for a PhD student (TVL E13/2) starting June/July 2015

in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Fackler.

Replication of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) in the infected host is optimized by accessory viral gene products that shape interactions of the virus with the immune system of the host. In a collaborative project with national and international partners, we will focus on the biological activities of the viral proteins Nef, Vpu and Vpr and their correlation to the clinical course of diseases. To this end, viral sequences will be amplified from patient samples, subcloned and functionally characterized for support of virus replication and evasion of host immune responses. Differences in protein function with relevant correlation to disease progression will be further investigated on the molecular level.
Key approaches of this project will include molecular biology techniques, the biochemical and microscopy-based quantification of protein function, as well as quantitative analyses of immune reactions. Most aspects of this study will include work with live infectious HIV-1 at the security level 3 and the use of primary HIV target cells. The successful candidate should have a strong background and interest in virology and immunology, good organization skills, and a very high level of motivation to conduct creative and independent research.
In the context of a structured international PhD graduate program we offer interesting research topics with biomedical relevance in a stimulating and interactive scientific environment at an internationally competitive level. The project is funded by the Deutsche Zentrum for Infection Research (DZIF). Please send your applications until May 10 to:

Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Fackler
Department of Infectious Diseases, Integrative Virology
University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 324
69120 Heidelberg
phone: ++49- (0)6221-56-1322
fax: ++49- (0)6221-56-5003

Application Deadline : 10 May 2015
Категория: PHD | Просмотров: 577 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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