Main » 2015 » April » 30 » OPEN DAYS 2015 University Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy, with scholarship

OPEN DAYS 2015 University Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy, with scholarship

The OPEN DAYS 2015 University Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy has been launched.

PhD students and early career researchers interested in European Cohesion
Policy are invited to submit their proposals by 5th May 2015.

Proposals should focus on one of the following themes:
- EU Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable
and inclusive growth;
- Institutional relations, governance and EU Cohesion Policy;
- Places and spaces: the contribution of EU Cohesion Policy to integrated
urban, rural and territorial development.

The successful participants will be notified on 26 May and need to submit
their full paper with a maximum of 3,000 words to the RSA by 7 September
The scholarship will include coverage of travel and accommodation expenses
by the European Commission

The Master Class will be held between 12 and 15 October in Brussels during
the 13th European Week of Regions and Cities-OPEN DAYS.

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