Main » 2015 » April » 30 » MSc in Public Policy and Comparative Welfare Studies -- Southern Denmark University

MSc in Public Policy and Comparative Welfare Studies -- Southern Denmark University

MSc in Public Policy and Comparative Welfare Studies -- Southern Denmark University

8th August 2015 Deadline for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens and non-EU/EEA citizens with residence permit in Denmark

The Welfare Master is the youngest program of the Department of Political Science and Public Management . It has been initiated and developed by researchers from the Centre for Welfare Research and the Department of Political Science and Public Management. Our ambition is to offer a state-of-the-art internationally oriented program where students learn to analyse different welfare states and public policies using a variety of theories and methods in combination with hands-on exercises.
What we offer:

- interactive learning on topics related to current global and national challenges such as welfare state reform, inequality and poverty, migration
- course programme that integrates an internship or study abroad component
- modern campus with state-of-the-art learning facilities in Odense.
- high-quality English-language education

Teaching in the Master program is provided by researchers involved in the Centre for Welfare State Research. It is an interdisciplinary research group that brings together researchers from several disciplines: political science, history, economics, sociology, and even literature. The Centre also organises regular seminars and workshops. The Centre hosts a regular guest lectures series with leading international scholars. The lectures are open to students from the Master program. During the autumn semester 2015 we expect to host Professor Patrick Emmenegger (University of St. Gallen), Professor Herbert Obinger (Bremen University), research director Olli Kangas (KELA Helsinki), Professor Daniel Béland (University of Saskatchewan), Prof. Åsa Lundqvist (Lund University) and Prof. Birgit Pfau-Effinger (Hamburg University). You can learn more about the faculty in the Welfare Master by visiting the Centre for Welfare State Research homepage:
Further information available at
For all inquiries regarding deadlines and application, please contact or Romana
You can find us on facebook
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 576 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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