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PhD, International Studies, Trento

PhD Programme in International Studies 2015-16: Call for 5 Scholarships (3 years). University of Trento

The PhD Programme in International Studies is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary approach that provides a solid grounding in the disciplines at the core of international studies (mainly economics, law, sociology, and politics) as well as specific training in the main discipline chosen for the PhD thesis.
This Call is for 5 PhD student scholarships:
 4 scholarships funded by University of Trento
 1 project specific scholarship focused on “International Politics and Conflict Resolution”, funded by Foundation Bruno Kessler (FBK) - CERPIC, Trento.

Further information at the web page: topic specific scholarships

Within the field of international studies, “Sovereignty, Democracy and Crisis”, has been chosen as a thematic focus for 2015-16 to be explored in various research projects and teaching activities at the School of International Studies. It will be addressed from multiple disciplinary perspectives (Economics, Law, Politics, Sociology, and History) through analysis of issues such as the economic-financial crisis, the evolution of European integration, participatory democracy, socio-economic development models.
For further information see the list of faculty members' research interests.
The following guide summarizes the application procedures in the Full Call Reference.
PhD Programme: Coursework and Research Activity (Art. 2)
The PhD Programme in International Studies is a full time activity for the 3-year duration of the scholarship. Courses are mandatory and are held during the 1st and 2nd semesters (1st year), the 3rd semester (2nd year), and the 6th semester (third year). An overview of the course topics is available in Art 2. During the 4th and 5th semesters, PhD students spend a period abroad for research and study.
Guest lectures and seminars complete the programme.
Who can apply? (Art. 3) – Foreign Qualifications (Art. 4)
Candidates who hold a Laurea Magistrale/Master’s Degree in one of the core disciplines of International Studies (mainly, but not limited to, Law, Economics, Political Science and Sociology, Humanities, History and Philosophy).
Foreign qualifications must be equivalent to the Italian Laurea Magistrale in terms of duration, level, and contents. The Admissions Committee will decide upon their equivalence and admissibility. Candidates who expect to be awarded their degrees by 31 July 2015 may apply (see details in Full Call).
Application online (Art. 5)
 Register using the link to obtain a username and password for accessing the UniTN reserved area. Up to 2 working days may be necessary to obtain these credentials;
 Apply using the link .
Materials can be saved at an intermediate stage before submitting the application.
Documents for a complete application (only complete ones will be considered!!!)
Mandatory (1-6):
1. Passport or any EU national ID;
2. Certificates regarding academic career (Master’s Diploma; list of examinations, and related marks);
3. CV in English;
4. a Research proposal in English. Maximum length 4 pages – 2000 words, including abstract (max 150 words); an additional bibliography might be attached; indicate a potential PhD supervisor among the School of International Studies faculty members;
5. Statement of purpose (max. 1 page – 500 words) outlining the reasons for applying to this programme;
6. an International certificate attesting to knowledge of the English language at C11 level or higher;
1 E.g. IELTS minimum band score of 7 on each of the 4 modules of the academic version; Cambridge CAE (minimum grade B) or CPE; TOEFL IBT minimum score of 110; Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic minimum score 76.
In addition, the following documents may be submitted as Complementary Attachments:
7. a list of scientific publications;
8. a list other qualifications related to International Studies, such as summer schools, specialized training, international examinations demonstrating preparation for doctoral study (e.g., GRE);
9. any other documents which demonstrate the candidates’ skills related to International Studies;
10. reference letters (maximum 2) in English or Italian, to be uploaded on line by the referee.
Selection Process (Art. 6)
Participation in the selection process is subject to payment of a non–reimbursable fee of €15.00.
The selection is based on:
 an assessment of qualifications provided in the online application, and on the basis of which a shortlist for interviews is established;
 an interview in English of shortlisted candidates. The interview will focus on the research project proposal presented and on the motivation of the candidate.
Deadline for applications 4 June 2015,16:00 Italian time
Assessment of qualifications 29 June 2015
Interview for shortlisted candidates 2nd or 3rd week of July 2015
Admission to the PhD Programme and Acceptance of offer (Art. 7)
All candidates will be ranked according to their scores in the assessment. Successful candidates will be admitted to the PhD Programme according to their position in the final ranking list, based upon the assessment of their applications and in the interviews, until all available places are filled. If a selected candidate declines, the next one on the list may be admitted.
Provided that the assessment is positive, the Selection Committee may also admit one additional candidate, in case of him/her having a scholarship granted by other entities (only non-EU candidates!).
Selected candidates are required to enrol within 8 days after being notified of their admission. The conditions for acceptance of the scholarship are laid down in the enrolment form, available at:
Enrollment (Art. 8)
Registration on the doctorate course for the successful candidates will automatically be formalized as soon as the Ministry of Education, University and Research sets out the requirements for PhD Programmes for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Scholarships (Art. 9)
Scholarships are paid every two months in advance; the yearly amount of the scholarship is € 13.638,47, gross of possible taxes payable by the PhD student, as foreseen by current Italian legislation.
PhD scholarships may not be combined with other scholarships of any nature, apart from those assigned by Italian or foreign institutions, which may support the PhD student's research activities abroad.
The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% during study periods abroad. Interruptions in the attendance of the School longer than 30 days entail the suspension of scholarship payments.
Rights and Duties of PhD Students (Art. 10)
PhD students are considered as autonomous researchers and required to actively participate in all activities.
They are evaluated by the PhD Programme Committee regarding access to the following year. They can be involved in supplementary teaching activities; any other working activities are subjective to authorization.
PhD Degree (Art. 11)
The PhD Degree is conferred upon positive evaluation of the PhD thesis by external referees and after a successful public Dissertation Defence. The thesis will be published online.
This is an executive summary of the information and requirements that are detailed in . the full Call for Application available at:
Contact: PhD Office International Studies Homepage:
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