Main » 2015 » May » 8 » PhD, School of Computer Science & Info Tech. RMIT

PhD, School of Computer Science & Info Tech. RMIT

Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship in the School of Computer Science & Info Tech. RMIT.

Project description:
Micro-blogs have become an important source of online reporting of real-world events. Social events may hold critical material about evolving situations during a crisis. Thus, in real applications such as crisis management, it is vital to monitor the critical event migration over social streams and deliver the proper intervening events to the right users using social media analysis techniques.

During a crisis, it is important for watch officers to analyse a whole situation and make the right decision based on the detailed context of what is happening, where it is happening etc. The wide applications of social event analysis have made it an important research problem. This project aims to propose robust and scalable techniques for solving the problem of social event analysis.

Value and duration

The scholarship is valued at up to $25,000 per annum for three years (with a possibility of a six months extension). International candidates may be eligible for a tuition waiver.


To be eligible for these scholarships you must:
•have an undergraduate or a masters degree in the area of Computer Science or related discipline, with outstanding grades
•meet RMIT’s PhD entry requirements
•show evidence of research ability — e.g. an honours degree, a minor thesis, some publication, or a well-developed preliminary research proposal, developed under the guidance of the supervisor
•have an interest in cross-disciplinary research and ability to work in a team.

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2015
More information:;ID=sg1vn3wss4q5
This is about the third project.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Dr.Xiangmin Zhou by
Details relating to Dr.Xiangmin Zhou can be found from her webpages
Категория: PHD | Просмотров: 530 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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