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European Data Forum 2015, Luxembourg

European Data Forum 2015
November 16-17, 2015
Centre de Conférences Kirchberg | 4, place de l’Europe | L-1499 Luxembourg
Theme of EDF2015

Exploiting Data Integration

The European Data Forum (EDF) is an annual meeting place for industry,
research, policy makers, and community initiatives to discuss the
challenges and opportunities of the Global and European data economy.
Spurred by recent developments such as Big Data and Data-driven
Business, data has become the fourth production factor (next to
personnel, capital, and natural resources), which offers completely
new opportunities and at the same time it confronts us with novel

challenges. The forum balances technical, business-oriented and
socio-economic, perspectives and approaches in order to develop a
vibrant, interdisciplinary stakeholder community. Special focus will
be devoted to innovation and business opportunities opened by data
technologies and their exploitation, in the perspective of a digital
single market in Europe.

EDF 2015 intends to bring together all stakeholders (industry and
research institutions) involved in the data value chain in order to
strengthen the European data economy and its positioning worldwide.
Specifically, the forum will serve as a platform and a business and
technology oriented exhibition space for the 'Data Public Private
Partnership' established by the European Commission and the European
data community. Stakeholders will mutually reinforce their strategies,
which will result in a forward-looking, dynamic, and well-integrated
EU-wide data ecosystem.

In the conviction that the potential of the data economy strongly
relies on the capacity to manage the multitude and variety of data
that are produced, the major focus of EDF 2015 is “data integration”.
In this perspective the conference will be an opportunity to discuss
and confront experiences where the integration of data form multiple
sources (e.g. videos and text), actually produces added value, and
where innovative technologies (e.g. combining structured and
unstructured data) may contribute to open new application scenarios
towards the digital single market in Europe.

With this call for contributions we are seeking inspiring
presentations addressing concrete experiences addressing all aspects
of data integration.
Категория: Conference | Просмотров: 562 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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