Main » 2015 » May » 10 » Conf, Social change in the global world, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia

Conf, Social change in the global world, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia

Center for Legal and Political Research, Faculty of Law
Goce Delchev University in Shtip, Macedonia

3-5 September 2015, Shtip, Republic of Macedonia

The Center for Legal and Political Research of the Faculty of Law in Shtip, Macedonia invites paper proposals for the Second International Scientific Conference „Social Change in the Global World“, which will be held in Shtip from 3-5 September 2015. This year’s conference is organized in partnership with the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology of the University of Liège, Belgium and the Faculty of Law of the Voronezh State University, Russia. We cordially invite scholars and researchers to participate in sharing experiences and ideas on topics related to different social science disciplines (law, politics and international relations, sociology, anthropology, media and communications, human geography etc.). Below we outline a range of possible themes which might be addressed by those wishing to give a paper to the conference. We strongly encourage participation of young researchers who are in the final stage of their PhD research.

1. LAW
* General Theory of Law and State
* Legal History
* Administrative Law
* Criminal Law
* Civil Law
* Business Law
* International and European Law

* EU as a Global Actor
* Geopolitics and International Relations
* Globalization and Regionalization
* Human Rights
* Political Regimes, Political Ideologies, Political Parties and Elections
* Public Policy and Public Administration
* Collective Security Systems and Security Challenges in the 21st Century

* Religion and Culture in the Global World
* Civil Societies and Social Movements in the Global World
* Place and Nonplaces of Everyday Life
* Living on a Treshold between Cultures and within a Multilayered Society
* Socio-spatial Reconfigurations in Transformative Landscapes and Societies
* Glocalization
* Ethnicity, Nationalism and Collective Identities
* Migration
* Family and Family Values in the Global World
* Gender Identities


* The Impact of Media on Social Changes
* New Media – New Challenges
* Media in Political and Social Discourses
* The Contribution of Mass Media for Development of the Region
* Public Relations and Transparency
* Political Public Relations
* Communication as a Fundament of Society
* The Power of Information in the Modern World

Important Deadlines and Fees
Abstract submition deadline: June 15, 2015 (max. 250 words)
Notification of acceptance: June 25, 2015
Paper submission deadline: October 1, 2015 (3000-6000 words)
Early registration (till August 1, 2015): €50
Late registration (till September 1, 2015): €60
On-site registration: €70
Paper publication without participation (till September 1, 2015) €100

Language of the Conference
Macedonian, English and Russian
Additional Information
* The host will provide transportation from Skopje Airport to Shtip and vice versa
* The host can recommend Hotel accommodation in Shtip
* One author can participate with one Conference presentation/paper as the first author and in the second presentation/paper as a coauthor
* If the paper is written on Russian or Macedonian, alongside the chosen language the Abstract and Keywords should be also written on English
* The articles will be published in Conference Proceedings. Selected articles will be published in the international journal, Balkan Social Science Review

Contact -- The abstracts and papers should be sent to Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
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