Main » 2015 » May » 10 » UK : PhD Studentship (GTA) in the Department of Engineering

UK : PhD Studentship (GTA) in the Department of Engineering

Derby is a city with a history of innovation and creativity and is now the UK's most high tech city with a growing international reputation. It is the home of outstanding international companies such as Rolls Royce, Balfour Beatty Rail, Toyota and Bombardier. The University of Derby has a long standing commitment to engineering and technology and works closely with companies in the city and region in providing the education and knowledge transfer required to support its advanced industry sector and infrastructure developments.

The College of Engineering and Technology is entering a stimulating period of development which coincides with the opening of a new Engineering Building and the expansion links with the Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering (IISE). The Department of Engineering was established in 2014 and has over 1,300 full-time students and 300 part-time students at undergraduate and postgraduate level on campus and at collaborative colleges. There are over 50 academic staff and 13 technical staff who support a range of practice based accredited programmes and undertake research and business engagement.

The Department specialises in engineering programmes in three discipline areas: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and Architecture and Civil Engineering. Most recently, 50% of department papers in General Engineering submitted for REF achieved a grade of 2* or above, whilst the case studies achieved a 3*for impact. The successful applicants will become part of this exciting research community at the University.

Research challenges

The specific areas of study for the GTA awards are show below:

1. Urban Information Management and Sustainable Urban Information Systems

2. Using Intelligent Augmented Reality (AR) for Multi-user Collaborative Design and Manufacturing

3. 3D Audio for 3D Worlds

4. Development of a Real Autonomous Flight Navigation System for Quad Rotor Helicopters

5. Reducing Aircraft Noise through the Use Computational Fluid Dynamics and Neural Networks

6. The Sustainability Impact of BIM and Low Energy Design

7. Diffuse Signal Processing in Live Sound Reinforcement

8. Spherical Microphone Array Development

9. A New Approach to the Characterisation of Material Properties from Measurement Data Using Combined Inversed Analysis and Optimization

10. Simulation Based Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) for Sustainable Manufacturing Design and Management

Job Descriptions

Person Specifications

Principal accountabilities

To teach or support teaching on programmes and modules within the agreed curricula for Engineering and/or Computing, particularly within the areas of research applicable to their PhD study.
To undertake research and scholarly activity associated with their PhD study programme.
To interact regularly with both their 1st and 2nd Supervisors for their PhD study to discuss their progress and appropriate milestones.
To undertake any teaching, learning and assessment training associated with their teaching role.
Develop a publication record applicable to their PhD study and agreed with their Academic Supervisor in line with the College’s Research Policy.
To attend appropriate academic conferences and seminars appropriate to their PhD study.
To interact with appropriate ethical committees concerned with Research Ethics.
To support College all quality activities appropriate to their PhD study area and teaching commitments.
To observe and implement University policies and procedures.
Any other duties commensurate with their PhD study or teaching duties.


Applicants must hold a 1st or 2:1 degree, or be qualified to MSc level, in an appropriate subject with demonstrable abilities in research. They must also demonstrate a willingness and aptitude for teaching at HE level.

We will consider applications from international students who have an IELTS level of 7.0 or above (not less than 6.5 in each element). If successful, International Students will need to pay the difference in cost for international fees personally. International students will also need to obtain a Tier 4 visa.

GTAs are expected to complete their study and submit for a PhD award within 3 years and to contribute to teaching within the Department for up to 6 hours per week.

Funding details

The successful applicants will join the Department by the 1st September 2015 and will be awarded a bursary for living expenses in line with the RCUK Doctoral Stipend for 2015/16 of £14,057. They will also be given a fee waiver for UK/EC full time doctoral award fees at the University.

How to apply

Applications must be made using the RD02 form which can be found at and forwarded to Sue Henson at

Please include the number of the post you wish to apply for on your application form and in your email subject line.

Further Information
Application Deadline : 29 May 2015
Категория: Scholarships | Просмотров: 561 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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