Main » 2015 » May » 10 » UK : SCCS Scholarships for doctoral research

UK : SCCS Scholarships for doctoral research

To help support the University of Nottingham's world-class research environment the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies invites applications from outstanding international, EU and UK candidates for two PhD studentships.

This award would cover full tuition fees and a maintenance grant of approximately £13,863 each year for a maximum of three years of full-time doctoral study (subject to evidence of satisfactory progress). The stipend for International students will be lower (£6,500 approximately) due to the higher tuition fee. Excellent applications in any area of Chinese Studies that can be supervised by the School's academic staff are welcomed.

Eligible students should apply online and their applications must contain ALL of the following:

An original research proposal (which should be 1,500 – 3,000 words) written by applicants themselves (guidance can be found at
Written sample of no more than 3,000 words which demonstrates the applicants’ skills as a researcher and/ or shows skills in organising and presenting research findings.
Copies of official academic achievements in undergraduate degree classification and master degree award if available, plus copies of official transcripts of all degree subjects taken, proof of English fluency (for non-native English speakers only) and/or Chinese language skills (non-native Chinese speakers).

Application forms are available from: Applications will be assessed on the basis of merit, including past academic performance, the quality of your research proposal, two academic references as well as the availability of appropriate supervision capacity at the School.

Applicants must be seeking to study a PhD on a full-time basis and be a new PhD student to the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies starting in September 2015. Annual continuation of studentships will depend on satisfactory academic performance by holders.

Deadline: midnight 15th May 2015

Further details: To express your interest in these scholarships and find out further information please contact Jenny Hall ( 0115 84678462

Further Information
Application Deadline : 15 May 2015
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