Main » 2015 » May » 15 » Switzerland : PhD student in the area of Computational Physics

Switzerland : PhD student in the area of Computational Physics

The Computational Physics group of the Institute for Building Materials, led by Prof. Hans Herrmann, is dedicated to numerically study complex systems from microscopic phenomena to macroscopic applications. For this purpose we develop novel algorithms and make large scale computations to solve problems in physics and engineering. Our group is looking for outstanding students to strengthen our team as soon as possible.

PhD student in the area of Computational Physics
We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic students to embark on basic research in numerical modeling and Simulation.

Successful candidates completed a MS or an equivalent degree in the field of computational physics with strong interest in numerical methods and C++ programming.
For further information please contact Dr. Falk Wittel by e-mail (no applications) and visit our website

Applications with cover letter, cv, diplomas and work certificates should be sent online with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mrs. Corina Niescher, Human Resources, CH-8092 Zürich.
Further Information
Application Deadline : 30 May 2015
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