Main » 2015 » May » 15 » WAIM/SAP 2015 Summer School, Qingdao

WAIM/SAP 2015 Summer School, Qingdao

This summer school is organized by CCF TCDB and WAIM SC. It comprises
intensive courses which aim to ptovide attendees with the latest
developments in the database-related fields. This year, we have three
tutorials and three distinguished invited talks that cover quite a few
database hot topics. WAIM Summer School was launched in 2011 and it
provides a broad and consistent overview of the most important recent
progresses in the area of database.

WAIM Summer School 2015, sponsored by SAP, will be held in the
beautiful city Qingdao on June 7-8. We are honored to invite
distinguished professors and researchers, as well as young stars, to
share their insights in data management. This year, WAIM summer school
will run two-day English-language international program that offers
Postgraduate-level courses. The application process for this year's
edition is very simple. Please click here to submit your application.
We welcome both local and international students from all over the
world to join us!
Категория: Summer School | Просмотров: 652 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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