Main » 2015 » May » 22 » Conf, The Growing Influence of China in the World Economy, Hong Kong

Conf, The Growing Influence of China in the World Economy, Hong Kong

The Growing Influence of China in the World Economy

14-15 January 2016, Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (HKIMR) will hold its Seventh Annual International Conference on the Chinese Economy in Hong Kong on 14 and 15 January 2016.

OVERVIEW: The conference is intended to provide a forum for academics, policymakers and business economists to discuss important analytical and policy issues related to the Chinese economy. Past conferences in this series attracted high-quality paper submissions, and were attended by researchers and China watchers from central banks and other institutions across the globe.

The theme of the forthcoming conference is "The Growing Influence of China in the World Economy".

TOPICS: Possible topics include (but not restricted to):
- Renminbi, SDR and international monetary reform
- Renminbi internationalization and offshore markets development
- China's capital account liberalization and global financial stability
- Impact of China's monetary policy on the world economy
- The influence of China's reserve management on the global bond market
- China's influence on global commodity market
- Trade and financial linkage between China and the rest of the world
- Implications of China's overseas infrastructure investments
- China's business cycle and global growth dynamics

Papers that do not fit into these categories, but that are related to the main theme of the conference, are also welcome.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested contributors should submit a draft paper (in a Word or PDF file) to the HKIMR by 9th October 2015 (e-mail to ). Please use the contact author's name as the name of the file. The HKIMR will select the conference papers based on originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance and will contact the authors whose papers have been selected by 13th November 2015.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Presenters from academia will be reimbursed for economy class airfare and accommodation. For further information, please email or visit the HKIMR website
Категория: Conference | Просмотров: 599 | Добавил: Admin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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