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Summer School on the Dynamics of the Contemporary South-Eastern Europe: Nation-building

CfA: Summer School on the Dynamics of the Contemporary South-Eastern Europe: Nation-building, Democratization and European Integration

Dates and Venues:
26 May – 3 June 2015
Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro

Organizers: Jean Monnet Chair at Marin Barleti University in partnership with other institutions and experts in the South Eastern Europe. Countries of South-Eastern Europe have undergone fundamental and multiple transformations since the fall of communism in the ‘90s. Transition and democratization took place in conjunction with nation/state-building and European integration. The aim of the summer school is to introduce students to the dynamic and diverse political and societal processes in the region and debate on the achievements and challenges of democratization and European integration. The summer school provide an opportunity for academic and experiential learning by developing connections with regional educational and non-profit organizations that address the most pressing issues of the region.

The summer school will combine traditional activities of learning (lectures, seminars and research) with a serious of social and cultural activities. The theoretical and case study components seek to develop student competency on different issues of state-building, democratization and European Integration. The lectures and workshops will be delivered by regional scholars, policy-makers and CSO experts, each covering different aspects (political, legal, economic and social) of the region, with an emphasis on the interdisciplinary and integrative approach. Students will be required to keep notes and hold daily discussions with their peers and professors in order to facilitate their experiential learning and reflection.The social and cultural activities will complement the immersion component of the program, giving the participants the opportunity to know the country and their peers better.

Lecturers and Speakers
Some of the confirmed speakers include:
• Prof. Dr. Stevo Pendarovski, University American College Skopje, Macedonia
• Dr. RomanaVlahutin, Head of the European Union Delegation in Albania
• Dr. Odeta Barbullushi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Albania
• Dr. Dorian Jano, Jean Monnet Chair at Marin Barleti University, Albania
• Dr. Nikola Milović, Member, Jean Monnet Chair on Euroepan Economic Integration, Montenegro
• Dr. Kiril Kolev, Hendrix College U.S.A
• Frank Hantke, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Albania
• Nenad Koprivica, Executive Director - Centre for Democracy and Human Rights, Montenegro
• Darko Aleksov, Executive Director of the Citizens Association MOST, Macedonia
• Ben Andoni, Journalist, Albania

• Post-communist transformations in Southeastern Europe
• Transition in the Western Balkans: The End of a Journey or Quest for a Second Transition?
• National Identity and Imagined Geographies
• Religious Extremism in the Balkans
• Democratization and Clientelism in the Balkans
• General Elections and the Political Aftermath
• Rule of Law in the Western Balkans
• Foreign Policy Challenges of a Small Country: European Integration, Regional Cooperation and Security
• The promotion of Human Security in EU External Policy
• EU enlargement and its Impact on the Western Balkans
• European Union Negotiation Processes and Outcomes

Social Events & Study Visits
- EU Delegation in Albania
- Municipality of Budva
- HeForShe Campaign
- Trip to Albanian coast & Budva

There is no tuition fee for students participating to the program. Visiting students will have to cover only the cost of their travel and accommodation.

Apply Now!
Application Form
For more information please contact

Dr. Dorian Jano (MA Bologna, PhD Milan)
Jean Monnet Chair at University Marin Barleti, Tirana
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